So this is where I am … I am hoping to start my dark period so I can harvest on the 12th with the full moon
! 20191207_173230|243x500Hell yeah it is didnt know any fellow GN memers were so close
When I was in a pinch I used some cactus food I had laying around, its 1-6-7 npk with 1% cal it worked like it was supposed to.
Hell ya man im a cpl hrs ferry from boston;)
Its a day trip u should come up to check out my second crop of living soil, my buddy’s is getting real nice now hes finished his second run in the l.s. his third is crazy smelling indeed;)
Thanks I will keep that in mind
@deusoboy420 @hoppiefrog … Ny, Vt, Ma that’s a nice little triangle
@hoppiefrog is up in Canada there’s a ferry in Boston that goes up there
Look at me just assuming…Oh well. Then it’s more of a scalene triangle… lol…
Haha ya were all super close ill have a vehicle and a pardon soon then i can come visit u guys .all are welcome up here anytime (preferably just before a crop so we have stuff to play with
Oh with out a doubt
Ok so my lights did something funky … during my 12/12… 1pm-1am I just went to do my good morning check and MY LIGHTS WERE ON they never went off @1am so needless to say I just turned them off at 1030… how much damage happened?
if your in the flushing stage i wouldn’t worry, i know a lab guy that swear by extending the light cycle right at the end of flower, causing stress, and extra trichs. (I’ve never done it though)
How long until you take them down?
They are coming down on Friday
than your all good, would have been a bad thing if it happened a month ago
happy harvest
Ok cool thanks I didn’t think so but I didn’t know figured I would bring it to the jedi council… I start my dark period tomorrow
Right there with you, my timer malfunctioned…
Nothing to worry about at this stage!!
I’ll be on the lookout Friday!!
That’s I was told earlier… it makes me feel so much better that I wasn’t the only one today with grow gremlins
You’re definitely not the only one! We’re all making mistakes and learning from them every day. It’s good to keep growing!
Lol thanks man … my lights are wifi enabled and we switched routers and I forgot to reconnect them so they never turned off last night lol… got to love tech