New Bud Display Jar for Canadian Dispensaries

He is right… people have been banned for live for admitting to going to cannabis conference… it’s bizarre… it’s the US not Canada with the issues… But I hear what your saying… it’s a jar… hell call it a candy jay…lol… a tea jar… aroma orbs would be amazing for teas…etc…and let me say this… you can be… not necessarily be…


Met some Dutch that went to vegas… they supply grow racks for the industry… they only admit to vegetables…lol…as they fear a ban also…

Yeah I will admit our “leaders” have some serious issues, mainly on how can they regulate and control the market.
It wouldn’t surprise me when we go legal. It will be federally illegal to home grow. Thus starting a new wave of the war on cannabis. Only this time you get maximum federal prison time.
I was never a supporter of fully legal. Couple that with companies like Monsanto owning all cannabis cultivation components. Any of us who order grow products have outted ourselves. Thus subject to federal arrest at any moment.
Once they pick off small timers and the like. The patents will come. Lawsuits filled. And even more in prison.
Here in America our prison system is for human storage for profit. This machine must have continual stock coming in to stay in business.
Some may call me paranoid. But the writing is clear. Use caution my brothers and sisters no matter where you live.


Still too early… They still need to figure out how to promote to the masses … There are still older generations that remember they criminalized it now they legalize it people are confused right now… We just can’t let corporate get the grip on it… It always comes down to the masses as a whole… We are the masses… Woodstock is a great example of what I’m trying to say

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They already have control. That’s the point. I have many friends and associates who own shops. They don’t have a choice in products they carry. Its Hawthorne, sunshine, gavita, Monsanto I can go on and on. The big money players own the corporate grows. Its already a wrap. That’s why I tell people to stock up on genes before it’s owned by the corps.
The same people who don’t know the first thing about growing own the biggest cannabis companies in the world. As global expansion grows. Our world gets smaller and smaller. They in turn hire real growers to do the work, while they get more cash daily. I have always urged people to boycott all dispensaries. And support your local growers and breeders.
Why would I go to a shop here in LA and buy a oz for $350 with a added 54% tax on top of that? Its equal to giving millionaires even more money, and the state (feds) getting their cut. This is why you hear so much about the BM and how can they stop it.
From a perspective of a user/grower/breeder. To me i understand that no one has the same high. And blue dream from spot A can be vastly different then spot B.
Their really isn’t a way to regulate a public market.
Enter the FED. They have scientists working around this clock to develope a strain so potent, and so cheap. That it forces all and everyone out of business. There is a company actively working on this strain. Do you know cannabis can produce 85% THC maximum. Unfortunately no one has figured out how to unlock that is yet.
Just think 30 years ago the stuff on the streets was like 6-10%. We are just now cresting 30+%.

Do you see the bigger picture?

Feds release a 80% THC strain at a few hundred a pound. Over night the BM will collapse. Because we see how quick everyone is willing to pay dispensaries for sub par quality flower. This all seems pre planned. All the way down to the acquisition of anything related to growing.

Just a thought or two


@MK3_Pharms I can read your stuff for hours… I have always been a BM cultivator… it’s nice now to have my prescription and be legal… but yes the big corps are a cancer to the market… Botanicaire got bought by Scott’s and how long until they mess with that formula and mess it up… it is my favoirite nute line and the only one I use when I have to use nutes…


I play both sides of the fence. Both legal and illegal. I left commercial grows due to personal beliefs in the current system.
Trust me when I tell you I’ve lived the outlaw life. As a child we grew in the hills of Humboldt. This is the time of C.A.M.P. black helicopters and military vehicles. Armed with rifles and a permit to kill. This is how I grew up. Through the years I’ve been arrested many times for this plant. Felonies came and went all thanks to the mighty dollar.
My family had to give up the land due to unfair confiscation laws. I’ve seen whole towns crumble under legalization. Whole generations lost to this “war”
While I do see some future for cannabis. I’m just not sure any of us are in it.
Big money rules all. Phillip morris is pulling out of tobacco completely. Anyone care to guess what the next crop will be?
My distain comes not from the money it self. But from the people who just bought into this life. I’ve lived it. More so then most who read this. All it has done is leave me jaded and conflicted. You might not understand why I am the way I am.
This isn’t personal, but then again it is. I wish things were different, but they aren’t. The forecast doesn’t look good. Unless something changes. Even if every single one of us fought tooth and nail. We could never change the current path. The money is too big. And too many influential people deciding how we live.
At the end of the day I will hold out as long as I can. But I’m a dying breed. Make sure you aren’t like me.


The funny this is I do get it… to the degree I have always been willing to go to jail for my cannabis beliefs… my whole family knew it… they didn’t agree with it but they accepted it… the new legalization section you speak of I agree and say absolutely we have no place in it…big corp. will ensure that… hopefully we can educate the masses that ours is better than big corp… but that is a huge uphill battle…


Yeah brother things are changing. I keep telling people stock up on seeds. Soon royalties will have to be paid for posting pics or even mentioning a strain


Don’t use any nutrients bought out by those big companies. Way better stuff out their other than botanicare

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So that’s where my shop owner friends are in a jam. They don’t have many options considering who owns what. They would love to carry other stuff. But its kinda like the mob is extorting these shops.

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100%, They also own the distributors,
So they offer these shop owners/sales distributors little bonuses for pushing the monsanto/hawthorn owned garbage


I definitely get what your sayin @MK3_Pharms I agree money can by this industry… But I still feel it’s way to early still and now is the time we as the small guy need to win the hearts and minds of the people before the feds fully legalize … Their plan is always the same as it’s been for generations before… Subliminal advertising making people feel they have to have something… Slapping a name brand on something and shoving down our throats till we buy… Marlboro has introduced a line of joints yet you don’t see them marketed yet… why because they are still trying to figure it out…My point is we still have a little bit of time to educate the masses and allow the real hard working little guy to have success… I’m sorry brother but your mentality is all wrong… They want us to believe we can’t win this fight but past revolutions should tell us different… I try to educate everyone I know about the truth… Again it’s still early in this fight… They may have massive grow operation but so can we… But one thing that scares me is how peoples beliefs can easily sway when dollar signs are waved in front of them… Kinda sad but true… Only reason why we will lose this war is because of the indifference of men… They have scientists so do we… They have massive grows so can we… BM will never go away… Guns are legal but the BM is stronger than a bass pro shop or ammo brothers… I’m just saying don’t lose hope my friend there’s an army out there fighting for what’s right!!! We need support… They have commercials and other advertising tactics I say we have the power of our voices to teach people what’s really happening in the industry… You’ll be surprised when people are actually educated about the real situation and the choices they’ll make… Yes we all love Target and Walmart but guess what me and my wife shop local grocery… Rather than a burger king we go to the local burger spot owned by a local small business owner… Positive attitude is contagious… People will always respond to love and positivity better than force and fear like tactics used by corporates… DON’T EVER GIVE UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!! :fist::fist::fist::fist:


I hear you… it’s just no one wants to spend $5 more /quarter on premium local grown cannabis… we try to educate and they want $5 more in their pocket… they will smoke butane laden wax to save that money… I have been trying for a year to sell material… the only way to go cheaper is to spend 10K on a bigger column and extract more so you can down grade the price to hook them… sorry I am not crazy about that technique… as you have to grow more… for less…lol… just my 2 cents worth and my experience in out locale…

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Its pretty much the same thing on my end. People would rather buy untested f1s. Because the pack is cheap. Eventually people learn the difference. But its kind of a situation where I’m giving away product just to keep clients. And hope that I pick up new ones. Its not a easy business no matter what aspect your in.


Well said… Business is a tough trade :+1:

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