These tropicana cookies are stacking nicely 3 weeks into flower
Trichomes coming along as well
I posted this in the wrong thread… thiis is our current tropicana cookies run
I have beans of this I will need to watch this
looking good and thanks for letting us have a look at your work
be safe and grow well
Well the mailman just delivered the start of all my troubles lol. Look what just came in the mail…
Let the grow journal begin… bwah hahaha
got to love when they bring you goodies
Im pumped to get these things going. Expert seed bank even threw me an extra blackerry moonrocks seed. Im excited to see how it turns out. In thier photo it has a nice pink and purple tint to it.
Good luck on the grow !
went to my PO Box Saturday and there was beans
if only the state of confusion here would let grow 100 or so plants
I might get thru half them
it is work but a labor of love eh?
enjoy your beans and grow well
So i have a problem. Im kind of an angry gardener… when i get mad things start turning green. You know its like the hulk but with weed. Lmao…
So if you all recall. I ordered 12 seeds from expert seed bank. Got one seed for free. Out of 13 i did not get one seed to pop. And i tried multiple methods. The seeds are bunk. Glass of warm water, paper towels, even direct sowing did not germinate these seeds. Which is upsetting because i seen someone grow their seeds on youtube. But my luck just must be shit…
So i planted a bunch of regular seeds ive collected over the years. To occupy my mind and hopefully find a genetic that i like and would like to continue. I am also awaiting seeds from my good friend @PreyBird1. So we will be watching these seeds grow instead of the glookies and the greencrack ak47 cross… these are mostly new york sour diesel seeds. Ive got a few bag seeds tossed in there as well. Who knows i might find something i like.
And here is the sad ass 100 dollar tray of soil.
Hello and welcome to the community. Did I read that right, 1500 watt in 2x4 tent?
…I bet them pink nails have a grow journal of their own haha jokes.
I’m staying tuned for this.
I just wanna be clear those are in fact my wife’s nails lmao
Yeah yeah, heard that before! Lol
@midwestcc420 what soil are you using? looks like it has lots of bark in it
also is it warm in your space? looks like lots of water/moisture for seedlings
here a cold breeze will have your babies damping off
grow well and be safe
I use a mixture of fox farms cocoloco and a local nursery has a bumper crop mix that contains bat guano, earthworm castings, lobster and crab meal, kelp extract and a mycorhiza. And add an additional bag of earthworm castings.
I had also actually just transplanted and watered all of them. Which is why it could seem a little extra moist… the seeds i got from expert seed bank are in a super sprouter. And i keep a warming pad under the seed tray. And the grow space is in fact warmed. I have a heater in there and my furnace also heats it up down there.
@papajerry yea i have a 1500 watt full spectrum led with dimmer switch. In my 2x4