I imagine it depends on the pollutants in the area you live in. Mine tested at 6.8. So good to go there, NOT good for hydro as it also contained a bunch of microbes that reeked havoc with the grow.
I imagine it depends on the pollutants in the area you live in. Mine tested at 6.8. So good to go there, NOT good for hydro as it also contained a bunch of microbes that reeked havoc with the grow.
Me thinks you need to check the actual wattage use from the wall. Not saying it isn’t but a LOT of the wattage ratings on the lights at Amazon are grossly exaggerated.
I actually used bottled water in paper towel. So i don’t think that could be it. And that was also kind of the point behind planting a whole different tray. Because all the other seeds came up. The other tray was 24 for 25. The expertseedbank seeds were 0 for 13.
And the light in my 2x4 actually came from a pallet store. So i got the wattage off the box. All i know is, it works as it should. It adjusts as i need it to. It doesn’t produce hardly any heat. And it don’t kill my electric bill. Winner in my book.
The only thing I’ll add is you might consider pH’n your rain water at least once for a control. Believe it or not in my old forum I actually had a topic - What is y’all’s rainwater pH. LoL true story. Ranged from mid-9s to mine around low 7’s.
My post was in response to @Slym3r post back to you. Quoted above.
And my post about your lights was in response to your very first post on this thread, where you mentioned that you would post info on your lights that you got from Amazon. No offense intended. If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it lol. This was the first time I visited your grow journal.
And I hear that about the seeds, I have gotten two different 10 packs of seeds from Ethos, where they either did not sprout, or they sprouted and died immediately. It happens. Ethos replaced them when I emailed them with pictures.
These were my blueberry haze that was a bag seed from some dispensary bud. My wife and i treasure its existence. It was a beautiful tasty terpy super pungent super frosty bud. And we can’t wait to have some of our own
@midwestcc420 definitely check the wall drawage for watts per gram. Then u want to know the efficiency of the led diodies. The DLI readings with the right specifications for your light readings, you will know then whats watts lol you can amp your grow environment up to the lights power and work using its full potential
So i got some new seeds germinated. And these 2 strains i got from royal queenseeds came up with a pinkish purple tint… have never seen it before. What do you guys think??
So i got a purple queen sprouted, a royal cheese, monkey slapz, white caviar, and a critical, and im excited to get things going. I bought a cloner. So i can take cuttings from each plant.
And i also started running jacks classics 20.20.20 all purpose, during flower. With some silica and cal mag additives.
The plants took the jacks classic very well. With the new nutirent regiment. Im seeing a half inch to inch of growth a day.
I do like Jack’s Classic for the price and the ease of use
My friend i only use jacks classics under your advisement and ive been satisfied. I appreciate your input. @dequilo
but you will be surprised at how much food The Weed does not need
Hemp was a four rotation crop for farmers back in a day as it need very little fertilizers,
very little weed control, no real mechanical work
gives the soil a rest, the farmer’s pocketbook a rest and is a cash crop
today in farming it is a business no crop rotation, no soil building, same crop year after year
because we use chemicals
it is just dollars and cents no love for the land
so sad
Haha, thanks for the tag, but I have no idea really. Funky cotyledons for sure. That lanky stem indicates lack of light, your seedling is stretching hard in an effort to find more light, so you probably want to give it a bit more. @midwestcc420
Even google lens is confused on this one…
Honestly it stretched so hard cuz it germinated so fast. I put the seed in a rockwool cube watered it and put it behind my tv. I checked it the next morning and had a sprout. Checked it that night and the mf was 3 inches tall.
Eh no, it stretched so hard because it was searching for light.
a very true statement
Thats literally exactly what i said. It was behind my tv, where it warm. But no light. Im pretty sure she was 12 hours away from growing over the tv lmao