I’ve been here before, but took a couple years offline kinda. I just put some ladies outside hoping any hard frost is behind us, but I’m a stone’s throw from lake Superior so ya never know. Pictures to follow, a long with stories and explanations. This oughta be fun lol.
Funny story about these, I had to order online because the seeds I started in January didn’t all sprout. Of the 30 or so seeds, only 1 made it to outside. I ordered from a Canadian place, n eventually thought I got ripped off. Then, I get a package that clears customs from Canada… A paw patrol puzzle. Couldn’t figure out where it came from till I opened it up n saw 3 pouches of seeds, 9 Cindy and a blueberry. Obviously, it wasn’t all above board lol. Of those 10 seeds, only these 4 made it.
A buddy dropped 20 or so in my lap to help out lol. Some made it outside, but are dealing with a bit of shock and a lot of wind. Not sure what the strains are. They’re from clones though.
Got a problem with overflow lol. Can only have 12 (legally lol) so I’m waiting for my neighbor to have some time to grab em up. Love living in the stix lol. That’s all for now… But I’ll update soon. Here’s my grow philosophy in a nutshell… If necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is the father. I pride myself on the cheapest, laziest grow possible lol.
Nice. I can’t grow outdoors or I’d have a ton going lol. Where in mich are u. I’m about 10 mins from i75 and m59 area.
I’m up north in the western UP (Upper Peninsula). Ontonagon county, which is the largest by land area I believe. Not by population though, so outdoor growing is easier. My nearest neighbor is a few hundred yards through woods and my house is 100 yards from the road so I didn’t have to put up a privacy fence as long as it isn’t visible from the road. I hate being bound by laws and such, but having won sole custody of my now 7 year old son I play it safe. Or at least, safe enough lol.
Looking at my pics, I need to mow lol. We’ll see how they look at the end of the weekend, better pics I hope.
Wow ur up there then. Lol. I’m 25 min north of Detroit. So damn how cold is it by u right now like day time. It was 78 today. 66 tomorrow lol. U colder or about same there
Got a high of 54 today, regular heat wave lol. Low of 38. The wind has been hitting between 20 and 30 mph the past week or so, comes off the lake with a bitter chill.
Great to see you back and growing again @kuntrybudz024 .
I’m in southern Michigan, mine are still inside not ready to transplant outside just yet. Look forward to your show!
I want to wish u the best of luck with ur grow but I do have one question what do u do about bugs in that environment
For the most part, the girls don’t have problems with bugs… At least not the usual suspects like aphids, spider mites, etc. Skeets and gnats only really bother me, not my babies. When I worked a farm with 70+ plants, we used neem oil (not sure of spelling) and lady bugs. Other than that, isolate and terminate. Triage best I can lol.
Instructions on Not Giving Up
More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees that really gets to me. When all the shock of white and taffy, the world’s baubles and trinkets, leave the pavement strewn with the confetti of aftermath, the leaves come. Patient, plodding, a green skin growing over whatever winter did to us, a return to the strange idea of continuous living despite the mess of us, the hurt, the empty. Fine then, I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all.
Ada Limón
I read this and felt it was appropriate lol
Well, they survived any shock from being put outside. This one, the only one to make it from my January seeds, took on a maroon color from the low temps recently. Still haven’t mowed, long story, so no glam shots yet.
Guess I just feel like chatting a lil bit lol. The pictures of the plants indoors is in a room we (my father and I) built and put a wood burning furnace in. It’s an add on to the main house, through the patio doors. The set up I had for growing this year was shotty, at best. I usually improvise, but I couldn’t find my mylar, couldn’t get the lights to hang, and had problems with storage for all my junk lol. It was a mess this year. No worries now, I got 12 in my garden, 1 in the back of my plow truck lol, and 12 at my neighbors house just a hop, skip and jump from here. Harvest should be my best yet… I hope.
Speaking of, my last years harvest was my best in the category of weight. Started with 18 in the ground, 9 at 2 spots, but ended with 12 due to early frost, high winds, and unfavorable conditions all in all. I couldn’t complain though, I got a lil over 3 1/2 Lbs dry weight.
I’ve worked at a couple “farms” but now I just grow what I can to keep myself level. Last year, I estimate it cost a total of $250 from dirt to jar… smoking about an ounce a week, that’s about 52 oz per year… I honestly could have made it to the next harvest without buying any medication. COULD have. I give it away like it’s candy and every day is Halloween lol. ran out in under 6 months. still… can’t beat that with a stick. Less than $50 a month. It may not be the most potent, or pretty, but it does what I need it to.
Thanks for lettin me chat. No point to it lol, just tangents and thoughts. Happy growing to all, and to all a bountiful harvest.
Huh…… doing a little math in my head it’s going like this. last year 3 1/2 pounds. Lasted six months- X two,…= 10.5#… yep I think that’ll work for you. There are several factors at play here that you need to figure in. When you have twice as much, you could possibly give away twice as much. so you gotta add a smidge more.
With good sunshine, and good nutrients, which ever way you go, you should be able to get 1.5# Per plan. As long as they’re not auto flowers.
Tell me about. And here I am, months before the first possible harvest, buying from the shop again
Not me. I still got left over from 2 outdoor harvest ago. And I press a whole bunch… BUT… I taught everybody how to grow their own so now I don’t give too much away anymore.