Nothing shy of a spiritual moment. People are amazing love you guys!

I don’t know :confused: :thinking:


Fingers crossed I’d love some of that as well!!


Just ironing out another sponsorship, I have been given a list of a few sponsors that will likely sponsor me. only thing is not to run too may experiments at a time unless side by side.complicating things is not my style so I plan to run a CPL different chambers here shortly, basically a veg room a flower room and a full term breeding space. My flower chamber will only be running at half capacity untill mid flower as I plan to stagger my crops to reduce crop trauma (lots of changes;)


Time to fire this puppy back up!! Wow people can really lift you up when you’re trying to get back on your feet!!


I feel like some new friends are trying to teach me to fly!!! I’m far too humble and shy for such kindness!!


It seems people know me so much better than I would have ever guessed, I feel like I’m some kind aof a mysterious puzzle but ppl keep telling me I’m a bill board of a book , predictable I guess lol. Ok I’ll get to the point I’m just moved!!!


I feel the love ppl don’t break the banks to show me the love really my addiction is a disease that I should suffer alone.i keep hearing ppl I love and respect :facepunch: offering to take their good fortunes and buy me boxes of Leo’s works, not expecting a thing back but friendship!! Y’all know I’m honored to share this walk on this rock with you guys!! A great song by the Barenaked ladies said it perfectly, “never a breath you can afford to waste” I must say not a moment that we share is a wasted instant imo. Tbh the forums were starting to get to me a bit but it’s obvious it’s where I belong and where the cream floats to the top so we can all mingle and Sare that buttery goodness and help keep eachother afloat!! @kapouic @Enlightened420 @aaa @botanistbob and a few more that may not want their names mentioned unless u are ok w credit for your amazing gifts and loves sent, honestly I don’t feel worthy of such gifts I have never given such valued gifts to even my family I’m just able to share bits of what I buy for ourselves to produce what the patient’s need/want
ALL THE LOVE YOU CRAZY GENEROUS BASTARDS YOU HAVE SHOWN ME THIS PLANET AND YOU ALL ARE WORTH BEING ALIVE FOR!!! That is a gift you honestly couldn’t beat LITERALLY!! Now I have to find some ppl in need to pass on some of that good Carma so be proud you are helping many more than you realize!! Truly compassionate will be around to thank y’all and explain just who you have helped, I require a short story and explanation w no names of course in order to take someone under our wing. But let’s say there’s ppl that deserves more help and the best meds that money can buy !! Pay it forward with LOVE it’s truly the only currency


Happy to share my friend :blush:

And, you’re high as a kite :partying_face:



Hahaha yup got all emotional and started chain smoking rosé especial J’s on #3 already since I started typing lol


This song sounds so much different from the top of a mountain than is did down in the valley


So I challenge you the people to reach out and show ppl you appreciate them, you just never know how much it could mean to someone


Agree 100%, been going through a bunch lately. A couple friends called tonight to check in, totally changed my headspace. We’re social animals, letting someone know you give a damn goes a long way for mental health…even a smile from a stranger can help :heart: keep those Rosé J’s burnin and the good vibes flowin hoppie :sunglasses:


So true my friend :facepunch: so true.


A wise friend just posted these words of wisdom, love his hippie teachings always leaning towards that budisit way of life. He’s down to earth but realistic at the same time



Thanks brother,
feeling the :green_heart: my friend :v:


It’s a beautiful thing to know ppl care and even thinking about you from so many miles apart we truly are together in mind and soul! A sense of belonging is a special gift from those that are respectable and help up high!


That woman is truly taking my heart!!! Oh rosé you are amazingly sexy!!! Can’t you see, can’t you see what that woman is doing to me!!


Managed to sell mom’s mobility scooter last night!!So that means I finally have a few bucks to send out some gifts to some other generous friends I have been trying to thank back for about a yr or more now!! Sorry it took so long friends but I’m sure you have noticed I just barely get by and any kind of speed bump in the garden hits us hard for 5 months at a time… And after listening to the wrong ppl on the forums I have had 3 bunk crops in the last 2 yrs (the only bad crops I have had since 1999 tbh!!) So doing the math I had 9 months I could afford to eat right lol. But things are looking up the no till is saving me a tone!


Three amazing fellas mail going out today!! I’ll toss in some extras for the gentleman waiting for the critical mass seeds to be sure they are not have been waiting so long I will send u some dj short seeds as well!! Also to another gos out some original rosé especial seeds with some dj short vanilluna seeds. And to the third gentleman gos out a couple packs of mr nice seeds!!