Nz outdoor

Sweet! There looking pretty killer! Your going to want to defoliate them a little bit. That Uwc is very purple. Did you clone it? Thats a cross of dutch prides ultimate and afficianados white caviar f3
white caviar is delicious and has some serious genetics in its lineage. Its making me drool here wondering what it tastes like?? What terpines it has and…


After reading that, I’m drooling too… :joy:


Thanks prey I only started 2 seeds of this and one grew outdoor and this one i havnt grown out yet.
Yes this is a clone and it seems very easy for me to succeed with cloning compared to monkey slapz.
I prefer the old school Terps of the hash god but the UWC is producing larger buds😊 and has a beautiful sweetness.
Terps are very sweet and building stickyness on both and yes I will defoliate tonight after work.
I am hoping to take these to the end of their flower cycle- very excited to try these - drooling everyday now😁


Flower room light defol

Veg room a bit of of control I got real keen on cloning :joy:


Yeah you did nice.
Cloning saves 50 days of growth time from seed to maturity. And you can root a clone in a few days to a week depending on the method. I like to perma clone. I keep my mother plant in small clone form instead of having a big mother plant. And i just make another clone and continue in the same manner. I had 35 living strains at one point.


Well by my calculations it’s start of week 10 flower

Monkey slapz and sour diesal in thee next week


Ultimate white caviar seems to be stretching/foxtailing?
Hashgod smallish but chunky buds


@tubular they looking good brother


Awesome thanks @st0na pretty good with minimal input and legendary strains :raised_hands:

How are you?still in nz or did you move to Canada?


And we have had several nights of sub 0 degree Celsius and 10 deg days and my humidity control is hard.

The dehumidifier must turn off after x amount of time not running. So it’s manual control every 12 hours with some non control time.
I did go away for 3 days and they handled it with no checks🤭

Girls are still looking good and I havnt spotted any mold yet :crossed_fingers:

I have only given them
1L of water 1x week and 1L warm water and 200g molasses 1x weekfor the last 2weeks


Well today’s the day 1st indoor harvest in many moons

Not sure how it is but if it smokes well I will keep going.
I couldn’t keep it going due to people coming to stay and another trip away next week.

From my poor quality photos it seems like a few cloudy but can’t see ambers and I havnt got magnifier.

Also the rootball didn’t really stretch into bag and was quite dry.

Any how next round started monkey slapz and sour diesal


Love reading this mate, you got any outdoor plants going this year?


Hey guys,
this is my first grow, I started growing to help manage pain from health issues but have begun to love all the research that goes into it, and the getting outdoors and having something to tend to. Attached is a photo of the plants I have so far, just had a few questions about them. First, are they growing at a good rate for the time of year in NZ

climate, Second are the resene paint buckets they are in a large enough grow container, and third how’s the pruning? does it want more or less. Any other comments, advice or criticism are welcomed. Thanks to all, you seem to be a lovely community. :slight_smile:
Uploading: IMG_2332.HEIC…


Welcome to the community. It doesn’t look like it needs any trimming. I don’t know if or what you’re feeding, but you could probably bump up your feed a little bit. Other than that plenty of sun, let it grow. :+1:t3:


thanks man, only food its got has been tomato potting mix that has slow release Fert, soil and old composted horse shit with a bit of topsoil. Ive given it a couple good prunes and fimmed it once, daily because they got really leggy before they went into the buckets. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t overdo it! It should have plenty of sun, its on a bank that grows grapes for wine pretty nicely. What food would you recommend? Not too sure what stage its at now but they are not auto flowering (I don’t think) so I suspect they will start flowering with the season. Also how much roughly should I expect from two of these plants dried and cured? Just trying to plan what to do with it all as I’m planning on putting a lot of it into coconut oil and butter, Ive got a real passion for trying different things with edibles. I think my recent most crowing achievement was an edible porterhouse. Also got a great gummy recipe with butter I’ve developed but I think the coconut oil would work better.


Kia Ora mate! Welcome to the forum!!
I am preybird1and i am from tokoroa originally i immigrated to the United states in 1982 Great to have another Kiwi aboard!


Awesome! Great to see how many of us there are on international sites. I see you have started to develop some of your own seeds? How have you found that?


I love to make new strains. I prefer to grow my own strains. Because i only smoke my own buds. And i have actually sent my strains to NZ 3 times now


Wish I had the space to do some breeding! What kinda of things are you targeting with your breeding? Higher THC, Yield etc.


Depends on the strain. Sometimes i mix strains to improve bud size/yield. Sometimes i want a certain strain to be less branchy or different node to leave ratios. Higher thc levels. Generally i like use older strains that are hard to find so that i can cross them with newer strains to make some amazing flavors and crosses.


little update, how long do we think for harvest (first grow be nice). I gave away a plant so only have 2 remaining, any idea what kind of yields i can expect. also will be trimming today to help fatten em up.