OlyAutoflower Spring/Summer 2021 Project (Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.)

Day 22

Zz started training today.

WC also got some more training.



I find Reefer Madness pretty funny. This is hysterical though.

The Big Lebowski part is just as funny.


Day 23

WC has white pistils popping up all over.

Zz still hasn’t shown any signs of pistils yet.

They each got 4 cups of water this morning.

ISK has not popped from the soil yet.



It’s a nice day for a white pistil wedding cake, it’s a nice day to smoke agaaaaiiiinnnnn…yeah I just jammed out in my head, sorry :sunglasses: great looking day in OlyLand


Mine either. I’m expecting it to take 2-3 full days though.

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Day 24

I hope they are comfortable. We have a week and a half of clouds and showers in the forecast.

ISK still underground @mudman



We sure did get spoiled the last several days, eh???

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Day 25

These two got 5 cups of water and Jacks this morning.

This little Zz wants to straighten up and keeps popping her training wire out of the ground. In a day or two she’ll be tall enough to secure to the side of the pot.

The WC is getting thicc! I hate watering indoors with n the morning. I got a little water all over the leaves. I tried shaking them off.

I might stick them outside if it rains later.

Still no sign of the ISK.



If that ISK is being stubborn drop another one and it’ll probably pop up about two hours later. Just needs a little competition :joy::rofl: just kidding. It will grow or it won’t. For some reason I have been losing some seeds lately. Several different strains. They’re popping a taproot OK and they get to where they’re almost clearing ground then they just stop. Check them in a couple of days and inside the shell they are slimy. Really don’t matter to me I’m going to win regardless. I’ll just keep planting seeds till I get what I want. :thinking: I have been starting a lot of regular seeds though so the number of seeds that I am starting is at least three times what I normally would. Three times more seeds going in the ground or starter cubes there’s going to be three times more failures.


Im slow to get to seeds popped as well. If you follow moon phases, the best time to pop seeds is during New Moon phase. We are currently in First Quarter, a few more weeks until we come back around to New Moon again. The seeds i popped a couple weeks ago with 100% germination, were under New Moon phase. Im just getting into this research wise, so ill have more info as time goes on. But I believe @Arrow has a little knowledge on this subject?

I wonder if thats the reason we are waiting longer for these seeds to pop, gravitational pull isnt optimal right now?


Looking back at my dates, my first run of popped seeds were all within 2 days of the New Moon Phase, April 11. Next New Moon phase is May 11.


I’m just gonna keep planting until I get what I want. I don’t got time to wait for the moon. Tick-tock, need different strains for maximum effect. I’m just gonna plant a shit ton of different strains and the biggest healthiest get started and I’ll just run the rest of them like I do mother’s then when my next run is ready to start I can just make up some clones and everybody else will be starting at the same time next round with all same size clones. I screwed up and didn’t plan nowhere near early enough for this indoor, and this is putting my outdoor behind just a little bit. But I’ll be OK.


Oh totally, im with you 100%. But im just wondering if this is partially why they shot up in 48 hrs last time as opposed to almost 4 days now, and only 1 has shown. Granted, im using different strains and such this time, so thats probably not applicable data.

Im sure the moon does play a role. We’ve conquered climate control in tents, now we need to come out with a magnet box for germinating seeds lol


I’ve been popping a lot of seeds and even multiples of the same strain sometimes I get one popping up in 24 hours sometimes it takes three days. I soak all of them till the crack then I go straight into soil or Rockwool.
I’m done with the experimental part of the learning experience I’ve grown in so many different medias so many different strains. I am tired of trying new things I know what works it’s time to tweak it and make it more efficient.


Oh hey hey this is Oly’s thread, sorry Oly we were just hanging out He’re having a convo. Didn’t mean to intrude.:v:t3:
Your plants look great by the way. Just love that healthy looking green.


Hi OlyBoy! Hey, so when you say ‘Day 23’ where do you count from? Germination? When it’s put in the pot?

Also, I know I read this somewhere, but what are the binder clips for?

I’m going to use fabric pots, too, so I assume the saucers keep water from your tent floors, etc.?

Your plants look great. I love the color coding idea.


Since these plants are autoflowering, I started my day count from the day they popped out of the dirt. It’s really a count down since these should (I hope) be harvested in 100-120 days (regardless of their light schedule).

If these were photoperiod plants, I would start my day count from the date that I flipped the lights to 12/12 (if inside). If they were planted in the ground, I’d take note of when the plant went into flower (buttons appear).

That is exactly why. Plus is makes carrying the pots around easier!

Also, these are mesh pots (not fabric) and they pots don’t absorb water. So drainage is better and I don’t worry about overwatering. The saucers should catch any runoff.

The perlite in the saucers gives the roots that grow through the pot something to grow into. And maybe the roots growing through the pot something to absorb.

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Yep. Doing that now.

When the first one pops, I’ll just have another one ISK plant ready for Spiral 2 a bit early.


Or one a bit late. :man_shrugging:


Mine was pushing up last night before lights out. Just barely.