OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

It was a hell of a show and I hope they release one of their symphonic live shows soon.


What’s up growmies? Life has been keeping us all busy.

Also, i think a got a bag of Sohum that was hotter than it was supposed to be.

So I transplanted my babies and i transplanted them into Sohum (from a solo cup filled with a neutral soil). I haven’t had problems with sohum in the past, but I think that the cookies and cream will need extra time recover from the nutes. :hot_face:

Clearly not happy.

I also raised the lights a lot. i was accidentally cooking the babies. :sleepy:

OlyKid has two of the plants as well and those babies are burnt as well.


And this little freak on a leash? different strain and seems to have no issues.

My little backup plant is doing great on the counter in the kitchen.



i know you are no amateur but i gotta ask since i havent had this happen YET. when you transplant do you do that thing where you use the solo cup and make a hole in the medium and then transplant all the neutral soil with the seedling into the pot? or does your seedling go straight into the new soil?


yep! that’s what we do.

and there’s holes in the bottom of the cup to drain water from the seedlings.

i think the Sohum was just too hot for the seedling’s roots that first made it to the holes in the cup. next time… I’ll have a buffer cup in the soil for the first week or two.


here they are again after i raised the lights and gave them a good watering.

i think they look good. just little.

i keep telling myself that all the work is going on under the soil.



the only plant i cant get to grow went right into the medium with no neutral soil. i was so hoping that was the reason


I forgot how much fun it is to have a couple babies inside.

My plants are in the red pots.

OlyKid’s plants are in the yellow pots.

Not as much burn on their plants as my plants had.

All the plants got clean trays, sucker branches removed, basic clean up, and watering today.

Thank goodness the soil doesn’t stink so bad now.

I didn’t see any signs of sex yet on any of the plants yet. I’m pretty sure we’re all on a 16 and 8 light cycle.



there was a MS Paint picture (back in 2020 i think on ILGM) of a cross-section of seedling in neutral soil surrounded by a hotter soil. it had something to do with fox farm happy ocean soil; i don’t use it, but I’ve never forgotten the picture.

I tried looking for it back on IGLM, but I keep going down rabbit holes of old @Hellraiser threads.



haha! that’s it!


What’s up, growmies? Yeah, it’s been a while.

I’m not sure what happened with these pots during this grow, but these two plants had fuzz growing around the very bottom of the pot (like the lowest half an inch (or inch)) that I haven’t seen before. i didn’t take a picture of it, but it clearly didn’t look right.

So I got a couple bottles of H2O2 and sprayed/soaked the bottom of the pots and lightly scrubbed down/off, sprayed them again, i had another saucer nearby and soaked each one for about a min and then scrubbed the foam off. Oh yeah. the mold/whatever was foaming when the peroxide hit it.

so i scrubbed the foamy shit off the pots again and them gently sprayed the outsides of each pot with Captain Jacks until drips were falling off.

then I watered each of them until there was runoff and then I put them both where they are now. I also sprayed Captain Jacks all over the top of the soil after I watered them.

that was Sunday (12/17) and I haven’t seen any signs of fuzz return and the plants have been watered once again since then.

Also… there aren’t any signs of sex on either of my plants. They are still on 16/08 or 18/06. Whatever. Maybe I need new glasses.

backup in the kitchen.

Happy solstice, ya’ll!



merry christmas, growmies. and happy boxing day too!

OlyKid’s plants look pretty good!

We’re flipping all of them tonight on the full moon

Planning on an early harvest the first week of march after the full moon in feb



Goodnight ladies


Everyone got trimmed for Day Zero.

@magi here’s my grow journal.



and here’s OlyKid’s plants

These two plants have been topped. Mine have not been topped.



Princess enjoying her sunbath


I have recently noticed my all black cat spends alot of time in front of the grow room door if I have it opened at all and she lays in the line of light also like she sunbathes too. Lol. She the only one who don’t want anything to do with chewing pot leaves tho so I leave her bee the others need shoved away as they try and figure out how they r gonna get in there for them leaves. Weird as they will eat all the leaves but if budded they don’t touch the buds at all. I even threw a bid at the cat that eats the most leaves in a pile of leaves. He ate on all leaves but the nug was still looking untouched. Must not taste as good as the chlorophylled leaves do.


Cookies and Cream. Week 1.

We’ve got a nice, green smell in the closet.



Beautiful, healthy plants @OlyBoy!!


… lush…:+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3: