OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

Hypochlorous Acid.....Deep Dive - Plant Problems - Growers Network Forum :kissing_heart:


Great info!! Bookmarked!!


Oh Christmas tree… oh Christmas tree
Who ought be O’s new Christmas tree
I see big things ahead with this one.


Oh ! That’s baby hail…when it hails here it’s always like softball size, if you leave them out, the’re shredded.



aw yeah! I got 7.5 g when I finally jarred that plant!


We’re still trying to figure that one out. I accidentally killed my Wash clones [re: negligence] so i have to re’veg the plant on the far right here.

I need to get a better picture brb

George added for scale.



I got like 8 or 9 little baby food jars from my six plants. LOL. And, dammit! I keep forgetting to burp them!! Gonna go do that now!

The weights are scribbled down somewhere …

Good job!! Wowza.


It looks like we have 8 or 9 days of rain coming (starting tomorrow). OlyKid and I dug 3 plants out of the ground. 2 of them just had their pots put in bigger pots and one was brought upstairs (since it is already double-potted).
The GG5 and MS will stay downstairs, but they’ll get carried into the garage at night to dry out in the dark with a couple of fans from 7 to 7 (probably).


This GG5 was dug around and put in a 5 gal pot.

GG5 before getting dug up.

Montana Silvertip #1 was also dug out of the ground and put in a 5 gal pot

Montana Silvertip before she got dug up.

Wash was also dug up and brought upstairs

Wash before she was dug up

Everything else down here is staying right where they’re at.
Apples and Bananas

Pink Runts

Candyland Peyote

I have no idea what these two are. Some clones I got too late in the season to get big so I stuck both of them in the same pot

Okay so we’re upstairs again
Pave #2

Montana Silvertip #2 upstairs

Wash after she was moved upstairs and I can keep a better eye on her.
She’s also going to be put in the closet at night once the rains start.

Wash buds



It’s been a week of flippin ducken rain and my flowers look like pooooooop

But the sun is out now

There’s also a 99% chance that I accidentally nuked them before the rain. My bad.

But you know what? My mids is better than what I bought the last time I bought.


Damn rain. I’m wanting to move to the Rain Shadow part of this state. Less rain. MUCH less rain. Longer grow period? I don’t know how much more I can take living here. I know it’s beautiful but … ugh …



Not happy with the weather this year

They’re all coming down this weekend…



If I ever find the guy that said that… 12 days of rain omg


It was a brutal outdoor grow this year.


GUESS WHAT O … My entire outdoor girl is trashed. LoL … We had a week of rain straight…I couldn’t even take a picture of it I was so disgusted.


Effen rain! That’s what got my girls and so I had to harvest quickly. It was Summer, for God’s sake!! Why did it rain??? It got hot again but being drenched a couple of times was all it took. I’m sorry. I feel ya. :green_heart:


mine too. lost 100%

still not over it.

it suuucked to see everything melt into goo. but you know what? ya win some. ya lose some. odds growing cannabis still better than vegas.

I’m dropping seeds this tonight!


When you have lemons, make lemonade! Good attitude you have there!

I still have two unharvested plants that I decided to just leave outside. My friend wants me to bring them over to burn in her chimayo and I will be there, too. Should be interesting as to what smoke will do in this format. Probably not as good as standing next to a drug bust burn, but … maybe nice …


so I got off my ass on tuesday and dropped some seeds. i had 4 strawberry cough seeds (2 planned for me and one for OlyKid) and tonight they’re going in the cupboard. I wanna stick them in the dirt on the full moon. We’re gonna do everything by moon cycles on this grow. I’m still not sure what that’s gonna be.


High hopes, growmies.


What was it like burning in the chimney? How did you do it?


I couldn’t either. I was leaving my neighborhood on trash pick-up day and we were following the truck that had just picked up my big rolling compost bin that was f-ing stuffed with rotting weed. My heart was still hurting.

We were on the way to see Cypress Hill with the Oregon Symphony.

The show was f-ing amazeballz. i don’t think we’ll ever see a show like that again.

Kinda took the steam out of losing the crop. Thank you, Dr Greenthumb!

So now we’ve got a plan. Yay!

EDIT: Cypress Hill was cool with saying that they weren’t going to smoke on stage that night out of respect for the symphonic musicians on stage that didn’t smoke. And I was super proud that the audience respected their stand. I didn’t see a SINGLE person smoking in the audience. The theater we saw the performance in is a real 1920’s old-timey (but really professional) musical venue. First concert I’ve been to in a while that people weren’t smoking weed. When we saw Little Stranger, there was always someone in your field of view with something lit.

After the show though… :fire: :fire: :fire:


Dang! I wish i knew they were out this way!