OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

Beautiful pot! For your pot!


Day 48

.5 gal water and nutes.

2 cups water and nutes.

The plants in flower are in the shade already. I’ll put them back later after it cools off.
(I turned the Govees around so they could be seen in the pictures.)



Historical review of growing Wash clones last year

Here is a picture of one of the Wash clones (Memory) from 2020 taken on 06/27 (same date as today).

Here is the same plant on 07/27 (5 weeks after the solstice).

Quite a good stretch going on. No buds at all yet.

And here is the same plant on 08/27 (9 weeks after the solstice).

I’d consider those buds Week 1 (not quite Week 2).

And here is that same plant on 09/27.

Everything from here out was an absolute shitshow. Earlier in Sept we had smoke and ashes from wildfires for 9 days. Then we had a bunch of rain. It was a budrot nightmare. The plants were so bushy. I let them grow wild because I wanted to see how they would grow. Now that I’ve done it, I won’t grow like that again. (those 7 gal pots were soaked and it took me and my son everything we had to pull them out of the ground and carry them into the garage) I won’t grow a photo in a 7 gal pot here.

So New Wash is going to stay in her 3 gallon pot. And she’ll go into bloom with the sun’s schedule.

But when I get the Wedding Cake harvested, I’m going rip up a few roots and stick the bottom third of this pot in the soil and let New Wash’s roots go wild.

But if the need arises, I’ll take her out of the ground and start 12/12-ing her in the house like I’m doing with the big Wash I have now.



Very helpful for those of us in the same location/area who grow outside. Thx!


Day 52




The difference between last year and this year is unreal to me.

Last year’s clones on day 53 after flipping (07/17).

This year’s clone on day 53 after flipping (07/02).

Last year’s flowers on day 53 after flipping (07/17).

This year’s flowers on day 53 after flipping (07/02)

This year’s plant is looking way better than last year’s plants.

It’s pretty cool to see what a difference a year makes. I think I learned to take better pictures.



Both plants are amazing Oly, but I know what you mean about the difference 1 year makes.
Well done!



Day 54

And you know what?

I’ve never fimmed before.

@defnsmokn @happilyretired @bow4buck @mudman @hardroc @tammydc @Enlightened420 @LoCoRocK @Jimhigh66 @repins12 What do you think? Maybe I still haven’t. We’ll find out.

The outdoor clones last yeat had this sheen sometimes.

She got a half gallon of water and nutes yesterday (07/02).

I’m not picking her up from this spot until I move her to one of the Spiral 2’s spots. I want to see how her roots grow through the pot.



Looks close enough to me lol. Ive done it a few times, and I really like the growth spurt the branches take. Looking good there either way!


Oh yes you did!
Way to keep experimenting and learning my brother.
Get ready for some of your leaf development to look funky…
All part of the process.
Can’t wait to see what you think.




All that FIM means is, Fuck I missed, when topping. Fuck, I’ve missed plenty of times and not usually intentionally. I just top and if it turns out I missed, just a little extra icing on the cake :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Yep, you missed. :rofl::expressionless:… yup, I’m a dork…:rofl:… wait a minute isn’t a dork whale foreskin or some shit. :thinking: duno. Anyways looks good to me that’ll work.


Looks about right from what I can tell.


It is possible to FIM in stages, I think it was Sniper that shared a video with me, the guy tried to fim for a 4 way top, missed, then let it grow out a little and had another go, until he got his 4 tips. Just took a little patience to guarantee success :v:


They look great Oly! I started some clones yesterday. I guess I will know if I did it right if some roots grow…lol


you know what I hate? the first couple times I took clones, I didn’t know what I what I was doing an they all grew (except for the ones that fell off the railing or got eaten). But as soon as I started following what others do, more than half die.

So I’ve gone back to using kitchen scissors, tap water, and solo cups.

This damn hobby.

those are my middle fingers!


I want to check mine earlier and they were all dead.:cold_sweat:


This big one smells so good.

I gave her .75 water & nutes this morning. As soon as the sun warmed her up, she started letting the neighborhood “weed is here!”

The fimming was a spur of the moment idea. I remembered seeing dozens of pictures and figured that if I cut off less that 100% and more than 50% I’d probably be in the ballpark. But the whole point is to screw up topping, so… whatevs. Bring on more weirdness!

She got 2 cups of water. This morning. I haven’t seen a drop of water in the runoff saucer since using this fox & fern planter. Not too freakin’ surprising for someone habitually underwatering.

Speaking of underwatering, I’m overwatering this clone for the next few waterings.

(gonna go off on a tangent for a moment. the RainScience pots are incredible compared to fabric pots. i know none of you would believe me, but the mesh pots leak LESS than fabric pots do. But they still breathe/release the water BETTER than the fabric pots I’ve used. i’m not trying to convince anyone to use them, but unless i’m planning on up-planting a growing plant, i won’t be using a fabric pot if i can get a mesh pot.)

Ain’t she shiny, Cap’n?

Independence day, 2021


I’m sorry. The lows are just as low as the highs are high. It sucks sometimes.


Day 56


