OlyBoy's growing indoors this time (Sunset Sherbet)

These are photos. My next grow will be my first auto grow.


Breathtaking Oly!
The red hues in your buds is absolutely beautiful.
I will be following your Auto grow too✊


Show those autos NO MERCY grow them as fast as you can and push them to their limits


From my experience I would say keeping lights 18 to 24 inches away from the canopy is just a recommendation. Once you start growing indoors more you’ll see that each plant is a little bit different. Some strains like the light much closer other strains want the light further away, as you grow strains for the second and third time you’ll start to figure out which plants like it close and which plants like it further away. I have especially found it strange when growing hybrids because I can have two of the same exact strains right next to each other and one of them will take more after the sativa and one of them will take more after the Indica. I’ll have one that is a little bit taller and thinner and one that’s a little shorter in stockier but they both end up producing pretty much the same buds.


So lucky…I’m in Illinois. Couldn’t ask for a more perfect climate to grow than in California especially central to Northern California absolutely perfect for Indica. The southern part of the state for Sativa and the southern/middle for landrace. Awesome! I grow indoors of course.


Final update on the Sunset Sherbert. Shawty finished drying today and came out with a final, dry weight of 22 grams.

These little nugs are dense AF. I didn’t think the weight was correct. I weighed everything twice. I am super happy with this. They are super frosty also.

If I were going to grow these again any time soon, I would push harvest off at least two weeks after I thought they were ready to harvest.

But not in a freaking solo cup.

Thank you all for tagging along. I truly appreciate everyone’s support. My autos project will be kicking off soon. That’s where I’ll be.



Nice looking nugs bro. :+1::sunglasses::v:


Thank you. They almost felt like cork, kinda solid. It was weird. But they smelled great.


They sure are looking frosty! :facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:

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Inaugural taste test for Shawty.

This bud smells very different from the first two plants. There is no fruit smell and it’s gassy and weedy. After the first 14 days of curing, the bud broke up in nice little chunks.

I haven’t noticed any difference in effect between the first two plants.

Shawty was the plant harvested 98 days after flipping.



I couldn’t roll a decent joint to save my life. But I love this Heir pipe.


What in thee tarnation is that?? Looks like someone just said ef it and stuck a pipe in a shot glass. LoL can it be used without the glass as just a pipe? No it can’t it has to be hollowed out so the smoke travels down to the water and back up through the bottom… how weird Looking man… I like it…


Okay. Tonight I had another round of Shawty.

When I tried it last week, it put me in my ass.

When I tried it agin tonight, it is the same story. It smokes nothing like the two plants harvested a few weeks before this one. Which is funny because i never saw any amber, even after 98 days in flower. I should have eaten first.

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It is kind of weird looking. I like it though because I can leave it out in the counter and it doesn’t look like a bong.

They make a cool pipe too.

This is what I take when I have to travel. Because I’m not taking that big thing.


I’m guessing you just growing good weed :grin:


Well I sure slept good last night. I’ll try it again in another week when I have nothing planned that night. :joy:


You are so organized. Couple of quick clarifying questions here from your Jacks321 mixings:

I understand the pepsi and root beer 2 liter bottles and how they store separately mixed parts for uses later. Great idea!! What is that bottle on the left, the almost clear (possibly vinegar bottle?) plastic bottle with the marking lines? What do you use that for and what are the markings for? Is it just larger amounts, the same way you use the smaller amounts in the Solo cup?

So, you buy Jacks Part A and Part B, but use Epsom Salts from elsewhere? I have oodles of Epsom Salt from Costco but it’s years old. Is it still viable? It’s been in a tightly closed glass container all this time. I have no problem buying fresher Epsom Salt.

Speaking of old crap … I have DE from Mud Bay Grainery that I bought for cat fleas years ago. Again, it’s stored in a nice dark enclosed box. I’m hoping it’s still viable, but then again, for my babies, I like to try to get the best and freshest stuff. But my budget … LOL

Thank you!!

p.s. I’m assuming you can see what old specific thread I’m referring to or should I be using the quotes …


DE is ground up fossils. I don’t think you need to worry about your fossils getting old. Epsom salts it’s just minerals they don’t get old either. You’d be just fine using that.:+1:t3::v:t3:


Thank you! I suppose I could have asked my geologist ex husband. LOL … I like y’all much more.


There’s enough of us fossils around here as it is! :rofl: