OlyBoy's growing indoors this time (Sunset Sherbet)

I’m going to get a auto water/feeding system so I just need to keep the reservoir full lol. Check out Dripright Hydrolock. It’s the same one greengenes uses.


Checking it out now, i really really really need to sit down and watch greengene vids. Ive seen maybe two, everything else I know about greengene is from hear say, and i believe him to rock solid lol


Day 22 from flipping.

Time for a trim…



Your one week ahead of me Oly… I flipped on the 19th last month. Good stuff


After trim pics.

I cut off almost every leaf that had a stem to cut.

I left a few bottom/outside fan leaves because I still want a few solar panels to be active until the growth bounces back.



You now have cola trees…lol


The threads that I’m following (including yours) are giving me a much better idea of what to expect from an inside grow.

But I can’t wait to grow outside again.

Summer is coming. -Game Of Clones


I Flipped right about then aswell… ill have to look back to find the exact date…


I flipped on the 23rd lol


I’m late to the party I’m probably not gonna flip for another two weeks.
On another note, back in the mid-80s I had a girlfriend that loved Adam aunt and she took me to one of his concerts at the Civic Center in San Francisco it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to and I had never heard of the dude before.:v:t3:


Dude he loves that Adam Ant story.


I love those kids of stories. I have two “best shows I ever saw, and I didn’t go to see them” stories (Motley Crue, 1992; and Bare Naked Ladies, 2004).

If anyone else has those kinds of stories (I went to go see AAA Artist , and I went home loving ZZZ Artist) tell me who they were.


One day after stripping the ladies… and seem to be doing great.

I forgot to mention yesterday that a few of Backup’s branches pulled free from the side of the fabric pot. As I was trying to finesse the branch back into place, I split the f#ck!ng trunk of the plant. I was so mad!

I slathered the split with aloe and tied it all back together (I hope) with a twist tie.

Here’s a top shot of one of the bud sites.

Go 'Hawks!!!



I had a similar issue with one of my outdoor plants back in September, and @bow4buck was a big help troubleshoooting the problem. I need to remember to be a little more gentle after the ladies have gone into flower.


THIS is a super common split. When you top a plant you need to try and leave a lil stump (which it looks like you did) or it’s splitsville at the intersection almost always. I’ve done it twice so I know what I’m talking about. LoL If you try and tie a branch down at least try to do it a little of center so it isn’t pulling down 180° from the opposite branch. She will be absolutely fine once she knuckles up I guarantee.


I can’t remember who else had a horrible split last summer (maybe @mudman, or dankbank, or Zee) but it was freaking ugly. They fixed it with aloe and electrical tape (maybe duct tape…maybe used honey) and I was so surprised to see it work.

But when I heard that “crack” yesterday, my heart sunk. I’ve broken branches accidentally before, but not the trunk like this. I’m sure she’ll be fine.


Yes Mud had a doozy I member back on ILGM and I’ve had 2 brake @ the trunk or main stalk before. It absolutely puts a lump in your throat, sickening sound. I use to use honey and electrical tape but I’ve simply tied em up w pipe cleaners the last couple I’ve had they were NOT big snaps ya dig, so little help was needed. The thing about honey is it has to bring in ants. I’ve never seen it but I mean it has to if left long enough I’d imagine… DO NOT mistake me for I have used honey and just was surprised I didn’t get ants


Oly was it you that told me my split looked like I stomped it into the ground?

Fixed her up and managed a pound+ off her.


I had a couple splits last summer. Aloe or honey works and electrical tape is great. I wouldn’t recommend duct tape. Keep her wrapped up, clean, and doped with organic honey until she heals. Electrical tape is stretchy so I always just leave it, unless I have to put it on way early.


OMFG. Yes. Lol! That’s the one I was thinking about. Yours was a storm or or something. Right? It amazed me to see that come back. I probably would have just sat down on the ground and cried if I walked outside and saw that.

I think that ones that Mud and I had (I broke the main stalk on Lady) were a result of rough-handling.

“I’m pretty sure it’ll ben-snap. Crap. Nope. It won’t.”