Opunterra soil regenerator test run

Will do in a little bit and put some pics up of the ones i do. Good idea bud. Didnt even cross my mind to do that. Lol just look at them like man that looks so weird. Looks like cat nip from seeing the shit we get for our cats we get meowijuana catnip buds and stuff and it actually resembles the make plants. Lol.

Cat nip pics upclose

Lil tan brown things are the seeds. Ive tried to get them to grow with no sucess. Lol


Sorry I have not been on lately. Been slammed with CannaCon and helping out with new companies get started with growing. We will be starting a run of 50 plants next week. @PreyBird1 we will be using some of your seeds as well!


Awesome. Tag me when u start ìd love to watch the progress also


So…here is what we decided to do. Instead of 50 plants we are growing only 20. The other 30 will be used for a different project. Of the 20 seeds we will use Opunterra on 16. The remaining four will get just water. There will be no pH balancing or anything else being used during this process. Since the Opunterra has shown pH balancing properties, there should be no need to do that part of the step. Once the seeds show a bit of a sprout all will get placed in soil at the same time. Even if some seeds don’t show a sprout. @Mark0427 I’ll tag you as well.


Here is the initial setup


Great syart love the light. Almost got a nice ceg light today but got tied up at work and shit.