Hello all, I figured I should introduce myself, my grandkids call me Papajerry , that works for me. Finally got that out of the way, only took about two years. I started growing a couple years ago and found the people here to be very helpful . @preybird@sssportsmfg@Slym3r@happilyretired@TheMadFlascher
I could go on.
I just want to share growing stories and general BS with the growing community. I’m 64 1/2 and first smoked weed in May 1972. Smoked till Aug '89, my son was born, then started back in '07, son went to college. Here are some of this years outdoor grow.
Well @MrMonkey420 I don’t know for sure, seeds were supposed to be reg photos, they are not, so I can only guess they are the strains ordered.
That being said 1 GSC 1 Sky Dream 1 Blue Dream and 2 Ancestral Skunk F2.
Ancestral Skunk is from Seedsman , they are reg photos , grew them last year outdoors, monsters.
The other three are in flower. I moved them to a somewhat shaded spot cause it’s so stinking hot on the patio. These are todays pics.
Yeah this heat is brutal where I live too. I have to water everyday ( if it doesn’t rain heavily), and sometimes twice a day-- certain plants. As a new gardener I had learned to mimic nature with draught, flood, draught, flood. . . .which allows the soil to dry out between watering.
Yeah, forget that theory!! At least where I live!! Gotta water daily. I really thought I had it the worst, being down south. But my gf in Oklahoma has had over two weeks of 100° f days! Dayam!
It has been hot here in Okc. I‘m watering every other day for now.
I’m gonna be out of pocket for a couple days , we’ll see how they do missing a feeding.
My husband puts down a layer of cardboard, then covers it with mulch. He’s done that over large areas of our yard. It holds the weeds back, and u don’t have to mow. He gets mountains of free mulch dropped off from a tree removal company. The majority of our yard (back yard and side yards) are all mulch.
I liked this at first. But im learning that grassy lawns absorb heat and bring down the temperature 20 degrees! So I think the cardboard/mulch is too hot for my dogs, especially here in the south, where the heat and humidity are already brutal!!
Great grow! I have one outside in a 7 gal Radical bag, it’s small but healthy, it’s a clone and only got put into the Radicle bag about two weeks ago at about 3" tall. It’s now about 18"
Also @TheMadFlascher is cannabis susceptible to fusiarian wilt like cucumbers and melons? Every time I go to water this one it has spotted cucumber beetles on it. It is sitting next to my cucumber plants, they are doing a number on my cucks, the vines are starting to wilt and die, I have had this problem with cucumber beetles every since I lived here. Can’t grow watermelons or cantalope or squash at all because of them killing the vines.
So far it seems healthy enough, it’s got a little Thrip damage to a few leaves but nothing major.
Tree mulch such as what comes from a tree service has a lot of bad things that come with it. Most tree services cut problem trees, sometimes just to open an area up, but mostly because they are diesed with some pathogen, or insect. I did try the cardboard one year, and it works well. But mostly I just bag my yard and put in on 2 feet thick and let it rot, it invites the worms for dinner, and keeps the weeds down too.
Yes Marty, cannabis is susceptable to fusarium wilt, but remember, it’s a soil borne fungi… and as far as I know it is not spread by insect vectors…if you are talking anout 12 spot cucumber beetles, I fully sympathize…had those damn things thicker than carpet in San Luis Obispo county…Garbonzo beans are grown there and I remeber they used to treat with Sevin dust and Diazinon constantly!!
Heavy feeding by any insects or mites during high water demand (stress) will often result in the collapse of the plant…vascular flow just can’t keep up !
Hummmm…well it most certainly could be my faulty memory…but I thought that cucumber beetles infected plants with their chewing on them and transmitting fusiran wilt. And that cucumbers, squash and melons were all most effected. Gonna go read up and refresh my memory on this. But it is definetely the byproduct of them damn spotted cucumber beetles. When they come the plants start dying, and I don’t think it is from a excess of extracted juice. They are around, but not thick.