Phuphan Squirrel Tail Preserve

Hey All,
I have a friend in Thailand, Tus. After talking to him about Thai landraces he stated they are basically free there. Currently he is sending me 200 Phuphan Squirrel Tail seeds from a preserve. I will be testing these, if they turn out he will be sending me another 500 of each Thai landrace. If anyone is interested, let me know. I will keep you in the loop, I will be planting 10 first to see how they come out. Provided they do I will be offering them at 50$ CAD for 10 regs. That is roughly 35% of the other vendors out there.


Well maybe when you get these said seeds and actually grow them and show us them. then we might be interested in buying seeds when you actually have them. Your pretty new here to be offering up seeds for sale you dont even have yet or in the very least tested yet? And hes getting them free and your selling his work here? Who gets the credit for the strain? Not trying to be rude but making threads and topics about things like this are not usefule threads they will be deleted because of lack of traffic on the thread. Please try and make relevant threads only. And please try and make a grow journal and post your pictures of your grows,strains and current set up. We have to trust people who come here to our family/forum and you have to earn that trust by showing us your grows and then we can really decide if your offerings are real or fake. We need proof of what you have.
because i dont know this “Tus” guy in Thailand and nobody here does either. We dont even know you and how do i/we know that you even know that guy in thialand?? Its just a whole lot of ???


Man I just said in the post I would be testing them first obviously I will show pictures. I’m just kind of excited, and if people are interested I said I will keep them in the loop. I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. Its a big deal if these turn out, the cheapest price I found them was 100USD for 10. I figured a Breeder would share in the excitement about potentially insanely cheap landraces. I’m not here to hustle anyone. I’m trying to be part of a community, trying to potentially offer something that no one else is?

Yes there is a lot of questions and a lot of IFS in my own post. If I was trying to rip people off wouldn’t I be talking about how good they are, not saying I will be testing them?


Honestly I started about a year ago. I don’t know 80% of what I want to let alone everything. I admit that. However I do think I know quite a lot for year 1. I just have a desire to be the best I can. This is the first thing I have ever felt a passion for, and I don’t know anyone who shares it right now.

My first tent had a blurple 100w bestva and a sf2000. Now I have 3 tents fully set up . sf2000 and sf4000 in one, HLG scorpion Diablo Quantum I got off a guy for 450$ CAD, the other has 4 cheap 100w leds I just use it mostly for germ. I’ll post some pics in a few, they are just all on my phone. My insta has it all Bohnz_Grows


I do like landraces. And i have friend who went to thialand to try and find the original thai stick. (Blackbirdpreservations) 7yrs later he came back with a Hmong thia. Its a juicy fruit flavored strain. And a vietnamese black strain. Real thia stick is extinct. And All he does is travel the world to source rare gentics. Also im a member of a breeder only forum that invitation only. That has a lot of top tier established proffesional commercial breeders. My personal friend Exotic mike who owns exotic genetics has 55 cannabis cup wins and hes in that forum among others. I do all my research on any breeders and vendors i might deal with. I just dont mess with unknow strains. Low cost landraces are great but too many what ifs.


yep My buddy was telling me that, and that’s what led Thai growers to start preserves for all of the remaining Thai strains. I have ifs too, haha he wanted to send 1000 seeds first, I said I needed to see what they were like first to see if they could even get sold because if they are just wild seeds they might not be very good. He said he lives near the Squirrel tail preserve and you can pay to walk around it for an hour and pick up as many seeds as you can, no idea if that’s true but the guy seems legit. He wants me to come live with him to help teach him and his kids fluent English haha. I just made the post to see if there are people I should keep looped in about them.


I started growing probably before you were born. Here my first grow. 1998 i dont even know the strain. Seeds were hard ti find back in those days.
I was 17 when i started growing outdoors and indoors.

I learned to grow from my first job. I worked in a nursery when i was 16yrs old. And on a potatoe farm with my aunt. So i loved growing already and when we found out we could grow our own weed man thats was insane! We had some seriously fun times back then.


LOL Not quite buddy I started smoking the year after that…I’m 36.


Nice cant tell from the avitar pics lol.


Rough teenage years ran with some patched HA (my best friends cousin), then a full 180 to corporate dick, now I’m finally just being myself hahaha


Which is why growing has me so excited haha. It isn’t even just about weed, I’m so blown away by how much information and energy seeds hold. It also opened my eyes to how much humanity forgot about growing, fixing, building, or producing things themselves.


I used to hang with the gangs in the 90’ got into a lot of trouble Fighting. Went to jail for a long time got out. Been in sales for 31yrs. I tried to move to tennese to get my hemp farm liscence with my friend there. Had a job set up had my own warehouse for the grow set up. I had the house picked out. Had my house sold and my wifes bff husband got covid and died in 7 days.
My wife wouldn’t leave her best friend of 42 yrs by herself. So i had to cancel everything!! Im still pissed about it. I was about to have the house paid off and semi retired. And had 110k in the bank after everything was said and done. Now im screwed here for 20 more years.

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fuck my guy, sorry to hear that. I’m on the hunt for some like minded Canadians to chip in on a grow house. With my ACMPR getting maxed in November and a buddy making me his designated producer, I will be able to legally grow over 850 plants at a time. So I just need people who can chip in on rent of a large place and who have the same passion as me for growing. Seeing as I was in operations and analysis for about 6 years and have a penchant for numbers, I think it would be relatively easy for me to procure the licenses for a nursery then pitch federal gov’t on agricultural grant to retro fit for the security needs.


Hi @bohnz

Welcome to GN and good to have you here. Looking forward to watch you grow in the world of cannabis, there is so much to learn. Happy growing.



Hey i know some Canadians and some thai folk. We should talk.


I’m down to talk to anyone about growing or life in general haha. I had some serious battles with mental illness was told I would never recover, during that time I lost most of the people I thought were friends. I used macro doses of MDMA to partially treat PTSD and mostly cure Anhedonia. Now I’m back on a mission to breed the best weed, and meet like minded folks along the journey!


Hit the nail on the head there buddy. I immigrated here in 1982 with my parents from New Zealand. My mom is from here in the u.s. and my dads from new zealand. Mom met dad there and he moved to the u.s. to be with her and her side of the family and i was 7 so mom was missing her family and we moved to the u.s. because dad only had 1 brother and his mom there. But back in the u.s. mom had 12 siblings there.
I learned how garden and preserve food and be self sufficient and live off the land. As part of being poor immigrants and part of my moms religion. We were lds and they were old pioneers so we grew or own food made our own clothes and scavenged what we could to fix things.


I made this greenhouse from scratch.


Yep, I think its all on purposes to maintain capitalism and boost consumerism once all the baby boomers exit living. That’s why the North American school systems were gutted of home ec, small engine repair, wood working, music, and art. They are all ways to either make money on your own, or to save money by doing it yourself. They need us dumb, lazy, and single minded or the facade crashes in the next few years.


thats SICK. I need to work on my handy man skills. Growing up in an all female family other than my grandpa that passed when I was 10. I admit its something I never really got into…Except woodworking in Grade 4 before it got the axe…