Awee man. FFS 2020 sucks the big one. @PreyBird1 the man, the myth, the legend. A class act through and through. Always helping everyone in the forum, pretty sure he was the first person I talked to In here. Wishing you a speedy recovery brother
Were all here for you as much as we can be.
If some gets a go fund me going please @ me would love to help out Preybird.
Oh my god! Please please let me know if there is anything I can do from afar as well. I’ve come to rely on @PreyBird1 for my many questions I’ve had and to help with my grow. I want him to know I’m just as much there for him as he’s been for me. Thank you @scotty17 for keeping us posted. I knew something wasn’t right when I logged in this morning and he hadn’t responded. It’s so unlike him. I will double my prayers for him and his family but like I said, if there’s anything besides prayers I can offer or do to help, please let me know. Feel free to DM me.
I guess we just have to focus on the positive. Yes we have had some sucky things going on but I know I have had some good… like finding this forum and All of You. I too am a big anti social person and stick to home or outside mostly but finding GN has opened my little world and I Appreciate it and all of you so much. Thank you @scotty17 for being the conduit its a hard job but needed cant thank you enough… and please do let us know what we can do to help!!
Oh GOOD, He has someone in is life to help him thru this.
I was just sitting here wondering if I should ask that question…
Life partners are so very important
Keep this in mind for the future… I want to share so much with you all
But am always reluctant
This is a Fine group of People
Love to ALL
That’s intense and extremely unfortunate. I wish nothing but righteous healing vibes for him. And pray a higher power lays healing hands on him. This fat spliffs dedicated to u preybird1.
I’ve been in close contact with his wife…keep sending the positive energy everyone… sounds crazy but I’m a believer… his respiratory functions are coming back…barely any blood now… he is tough as nails… life throws us shitty situations sometimes but makes us stronger in the long run… our brother will make it through all of this
Im in complete awe rite at the moment. WTF. I just read the message. This sucks. This is the crappiest news to hear. I hope he gets better and out of icu quickly.
wow…thank you for the update and info @scotty17…Nothing easy about this at all but only positive energy and wishing you a fast and speedy recovery my fellow rider @PreyBird1! You got this man!
Mrs. Preybird here I just want to say thank you all so very very much for all your prayers well wishes and amazingly wonderful kind word’s about my honey. It means the world to me. It’s good to know he has so many people rooting for him. It’s going to be a long hard recovery for him. My heart is literally breaking just thinking about what’s ahead for him. Special shout out to @scotty17 for being our friend and getting the healing prayers going. I’ll make sure to keep you updated
Preybird and I just were PM’ing week and I told him that without ever meeting
that I was impressed with knowing a top notch 'Stand-up" guy like him - that a Class Guy there.
Yeah… he was always willing to help…he was working with me on my seeding project…in ways wish I was closer I would help him out out any way I could…that is the one thing I hate about these forums… you make friends and then something happens an illness an injury basically anything you could categorize as serious and you are limited to what you can do… damn it @PreyBird1 wishing you a speedy recovery…