Preybird farms ** seed test Room! **

Beautiful freaking plants!


Man sad day i sold my Race bike last night. A beautiful 2005 ZX10R with a titanium race exhaust and too many goodies for $5k

That was my most favorite bike of all time. Im going to miss it a lot! Wife was crying because she thinks she took away my most favorite thing…but after that last accident i dont want to die again!
so my bike sold in 3hrs of being online. Its a super clean Bike!


I found that looking at something you love that you’re not able to use anymore is sometimes worse them not having the reminder.


Material things can always be replaced. Lost to many friends I used to ride with. Sold my bike after going down the parkway at 120 to go drinking, after smokin a few and dropped my bike in parking lot sold it next day. Looked at it like it was a sign from the Big Guy. How i made it home that night I’ll never know. Tell your wife she’s the most favorite thing in your life. Stay safe and enjoy life


Damn sorry to hear that buddy I could see why it went quick that’s a sweet bike and a hell of a deal I know how you feel though had to sell my 07 TRX 450 r,05 CR250R loved that bike love the two strokers I had just had that whole bike pretty much rebuilt new engine new suspension new exhaust and my sand rail really sucks getting old and breaking down but when it got to the point that I was hurting for a week or two after a decent ride I knew it was time to get rid of the toys now my grow rooms and my toy a little more suitable for older generation not that I’m old only 52


Why only 5k. Ask alot more and let them talk u down. Lol. Looks bad ass man. My son would love it just cuz the color. He wants to be a lawyer or dr so he can have a flourescent green lambo he has a lust for lambos and he is only 10. I keep telling him keep ur mind on that path of wanting and work for it and u will have it. Dont let girls distract u from what u want in life. Lol. Get urself set strait woth a car and a home and then worry about making a family to fill the nest. Dont go backwards like mom and dad did with u guys. Lol. Shit was a hard struggle but inwent from not having a bill or anything to worry about at all to getting my first place a mobile home but mine no bills and went from living with the wifes parents in the basement to having all kinds of bills it was a struggle but we did it and came out on top so far hoping not to be knocked down again beautiful bike tho. Id rock it but my wife wont let me have one says a good life insurance and i can get one because ibhave a need for speed bad. And i would def push the bike for sure. Id be on tik tok and shit as the runner from the popo lol.


Damn dude, that’s sad :frowning: I’m about to sell my bike too, will buy a different one though, but it still stings a little.


@happilyretired yep you hit the nail on the head! I just couldnt look at it any more. Sitting there on its little superbike rug and kick stand floor saver thingy.

@Mark0427 well its a 1st gen zx10r they sell all day for $4k here. I had a bunch of trick parts you just cannot buy anymore. I mean it has a T.R.E. aka ivans timing retard eliminator. That genius man is no longer with us R.I.P brother. Basically the 1st gen has full power in 1st and 6th gears only. The engine timing in the other 4 gears are retarded so the bikes “safer” and because federal law in the U.S. says if you close the throttle the fuel injectors need to stop firing fuel. Well the T.r.e. removes this factory controlled timing and turns this bike into an insane monster. So when you close the throttle there isnt any engine breaking happening and or very little and the point is when you come back on the throttle the injectors dont relight causing a pop backfire and a sudden jerk when that happens. And if your down on one knee and that happens you can low side or lose your line and go wide and crash so its smooth throttle and smooth ignition because at 150+mph that shits no fun. It takes practice to ride this bike. I mean sure you could jump on and grip it and rip it but thats the last thing youll do on this bike. I mean i love this bike so much and i have no fear of death on bikes ive had 6 really bad accidents and this bike scares the hell out of me still And I LIKE IT!


“The Widowmaker”! Fantastic machine you had there. Stock still 20lbs lighter than the 2022 zx10r!
No traction ctrl, no abs, no quickshifter, no launch ctrl. Just raw brutal power :stuck_out_tongue: Mean green monster!


That’s why its so freaking cool! It raw un controlled REAL power!! That bike doesnt suffer fools at all. It has single handedly cause more death than any other Bike to date that i know of. The brakes suck ass and it has so much speed its hard to stop. I only modified things on the bike that were tasteful. I never did the exhaust butterfly servo delete or the 1/4 throttle mod that scares the fuck out of me i mean really WOT with 1/4 turn. I had ZX14R calipers in the garage. Basically when i got in the bad crash i was just collecting parts for the next race season. And i was preparing to change the valve cover gasket they start to leak every 5yrs regardless of what you try and do to prevent it. So the plan was

  1. Zx14r calipers.
  2. Valve cover gasket.
  3. New radiator hoses/coolant swap.
  4. New air filter.
  5. New tires which i mount and balance. On my no mar tire machine lol im the machine.
    Man i was so pumped for that race season. I was going to make a Run for the “A” Group of riders at the masters of the mountains here in utah. I was almost about to buy an air shifter…But thats not a tasteful mod. And @MrMonkey420 i what you call wildly disordered . “a maniacal frenzy” synonyms: maniac insane. afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement. Lol thats it …yep. i really was hoping to find the zx10r supercharger kit. I sure you know what im talking about. I was willing to drop 6k for that unicorn wild mod. Because…i wanted to take my new H2R and that zx10r with super charger kit to the track and race the one first and then hit the pits and rip out on the other bike and see how fast i can go on both bikes. I wish i could drag race myself in realtime ok we gotta get of this subject man its exciting! :rofl::sleepy::sob:


@LasVegas7 hey bad news on the TOXI’s all 4 of them are…
200w (3)

200w (2)
That really sucks man i was hoping for a girl or a possible mated pair :man_shrugging:

So i have 4 males. In a tent by themselves juat waiting to be chopped or cloned. But without a female its hard to justify keeping even one male…coukd be bad genetics?


:slightly_frowning_face::slightly_frowning_face:… bummer


Wow Prey that really sucks I was hoping to get a clone. I wish I had more seeds but I’m out of that strain right now but I’ll be getting more at some point and I will keep u in mind. Right now I’m 3 weeks away from chop I’ve got Gas Guzzler(Solfire), then I got Polar Pop and Guava Bomba from Compound Genetics. If I ever got something growing ur interested in let me know and I’ll hook u up. Have a great day


Hey man it was an honor my friend. I got 4 gnarley males lol. I dont know enough about the strain to breed it though.


Man the one gallon pots are making some big buds.


Wow your killing it in the 1 gal pots!


This just 2 plants and there really eating the fans leaves up!


I know i been gone a while just catching up on everything but i fuckin love your idea Hostile im smiling about the cannabar with a beer in my hand.


Hey P Bird, i been gone a while i have 6 new difficult strains of barney’s getting ready to start a new journal with 4 of them then a perpetual with clones in 2 different tents totaling 3
Tents. Anyway im loving what im seeing of you. Good luck


Oh shit i forgot to ask how long did you veg those 1 gallon beasts? Looks amazing but also clones or seeds?