Preybird farms ** seed test Room! **

@PreyBird1 have you tried purging the air in your press to see if that helps? Here is a video on how to purge it, I’m not sure if it works on the Touch unit though. It should work if it has a manual pressure relief knob.


That’s what I use my rectangle mold/table vise, I usually run 14 g. Per bag ,that’s my sweet spot


Me too. I don’t care so much about yield as I do taste so I press usually under 170°. I prefer It gooey rather than hard. Lower temperature longer Press is how I like it. Just like growing everybody figures out their own way. But that rectangle mold, with a bench vise, is the way to go.


Yes 6 times man. Im gonna have to send it back.


That really sucks! I’ve never had problems with my Nugsmasher X, I did wish I had gotten the Nugsmasher OG at first. The X doesn’t have the pressure gauge, just the temperature controller.


Yeah its pissing me off. The offered me full value towards the nug IQ. But thats $5k no way im dropping $2500 more.


Let them know if they don’t make it right you’re going to put them on blast on social media for having s*** equipment that will get their attention :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh i plan to if i have to send it back.


the liberty haze plants now.


So this little Big buddahs cheese is ready to transplant in this pic. Its already above soil now and ill post a pic later. The other seed hap popped and i tossed into cup and promix-hp. Just waiting now.


Ok here’s the little baby.


I see when u pressed u ledt the bag tall ways also. I found well for me i fill my poich and lay it sideways. I fill packed tight and fold the top over half inch or so pre press flat then i heat up my press and go to town. Never jave a blow out and if u need to reuse a pouch it is fairly easy to clean a poich soaking in alcobol clean i use dawn soap and alcohol to clean poiches almost like new. Ive only done this a couple times but they r reusable also if u dont get blowouts


Ive tried it Both ways tall and flat the tall ways was recommended by nugsmasher themselves but whatever. Also i started pressing the flower shake from my tumbler i just got a gram from 7 grams of very well tumbled flower so thats a bonus. This is how i just pressed that shake.

I stuck this bag in a pre press mold and used my body weight to squish it then i used some long ass tweezers to slide it between the plates so the end flap would not open. I let it sit ther about 30 seconds and started adding pressure. The shitty nugsmasher press is really starting to suck. It wont hold pressure for 30 seconds now i took a few videos for nugsmasher tech guys to see it doesnt work correctly so can i get it repaired or replaced? Im really not happy with this press its been a really shitty experience. I really wish i never bought it now. I litterally had to fucking pump the shit out it to even get the rosin that i could and i had to pump it as hard as i could for 120 seconds and that’s unacceptable. I think i might have to take the hit on the restocking charges and send this back for a refund. And im getting all my pics and videos ready to blast IG about this piece of shit press if they try and make me pay shipping also. Im getting seriously mad now. I have every puck i pressed with this pile of junk and it hasnt even made it to 10 presses and now i cant use it. They said they would only give my full credit towards an upgraded machine? Yeah im seriously getting more angry even thinking about this. Im mean really… i can turn a knob and pump a frigging handle its not rocket science for real! This is a $2600 pile. so fuck this bullshit now.


Damn. I paid like 459 for my dulytek. Its not button pish but it works great. I did add a cheater bar to the regular handle to get maximum squeeze out of it tho like a 3/4 or 7/8 socket fits perfect around the handle like it was meant to be and a 8 inch socket extemder is the rest of the setup. Lol. Time to time it will jump temps but i jave noticed if she beeps at temp ot stays great joldong if she dont beep a couple seconds after she jits target twmp it will surpass the temp so i do watch the temps here and there ptherwise not an issue with this one. Hell my wife qould choke me thoroighly if i paod that much for a press. Thats butane exteaction costs there. Lol with revovery systems.


Yeah that’s just crazy I wouldn’t pay restocking fee when they have a defective device that’s b******* as Mark said the dually tech was only around $600 with the drip tech stand and a whole bunch of goodies for them to make you pay a restocking fee on a defective item that’s kind of pretty much lawsuit material it also lets you know what a petty company they are trying to bully you into keeping crap instead of making their customers happy with quality equipment


[quote=“Mark0427, post:656, topic:53531”]
Hell my wife qould choke me thoroighly if i paod that much for a press.
[/quote] it was on sale also! I was watching lots of vidoes on presses and im not sure why i settled on the nug smasher?

Well lucky me i handle all the finances also. My wife is bad with money and has had 3 bankruptcies when we first got together. So shes not allowed to have access to money because there’s no joint accounts here man. Im really good at the finances unless im blowing money on presses geeze


Yeah they have a lifetime warranty but its new and im going to lose shipping sending it back to get “fixed” when its new. There products are really over priced IMO. I might buy the rosineer auto press.


Now the rosineer keefe tumbler is kicken ass!


Nice looking concentrates


Man i make most the money and pretty much care for the bills also but she has a fit if it is wasted money or wasted in her eyes. She would tell me why get that when u get this for 450 and so ehat u jave to manual the jack. Lol. I jave been looking into some button operated jacks i can switch javks out and have am auto one. That would def be killer. Im a huge fan of the presses and one day i will own a nice butane setup and recovery kit.