Preybird farms ** seed test Room! **

@MrMonkey420 maybe you could drill out a piece of wooden furniture put your seeds in the leg or something then glue a nice matching plug over it make it all nice and professional maybe like on a wooden bar stool that way you could use some felt over them once it’s patched don’t know how particular they are that may work if it’s in a load with everything else
Just a thought :wink:


Patiently waiting for this girl to get just a lil :pinching_hand:t2::pinching_hand:t2: bit bigger so I can clone an run her!


Great idea! First I was going to bring my MTB and hide them in the handlebars, but I sold the bike :sweat_smile::rofl:


Well I havnt done it but has always interested me to get good genetics in here nz

This fully arrived with 40 mainlined into the crown from the bottom
Thanks @PreyBird1

Ironically the store clerk came out to my mate whose P.O. Box it was and said ‘you have drugs sent to you eh?’

So I am thankful to have no direct connection with that but hey they did get through.
Probably not now with the current govt. back to the war on drugs consciousness now.

Also I think other mates have unpicked the hem of t shirts etc and filled some in there vacuum sealed and tidy re sewing of hem. Then post that out .


@tubular good to see you my friend. Hows life back home these days?

Well the babies are looking good!

And a few moms hanging out.


They Are GORGEOUS so deep green and HEALTHY!


Well it’s going ok for me - the indoor I would love to spend more time refining but at moment can only apply a bit more than bare minimum.

I’ve done MS 3 runs now and the last one has the nice taste and smooth effects coming- it’s a very interesting strain thanks

I tried with a rinse on the indoor this time and had a control that didn’t.
The rinse looks great but the non rinse is way more sticky
Different drying also, rinse had control in tent a dehumidifier fans etc
Non rinse just hung in garage and left
Both wet trimmed

I have a female of this north lime-og northern lights that has a real old school taste- I put 8 seeds down 3 sprouts only 1survived an was female so I am gonna run that indoor and try outdoors in a few months.

I really want to crack a runtz/UWC that you sent to -it had the sweetest taste but couldn’t cope outdoors here.

On political front chemists are discharging CBD and drs prescribing thc-all coming from overseas and fairly marginal from my tastes-although I had an 18% og afghani that was very nice but triple price.

I could get a prescription but …… I still couldn’t grow my own


Lavender x pirates cake is looking good.

The mothers

The baby lavender vmac2’s


Can u mail urself an aloe plant or so in a pot with soild and all as live plant may cost a luttle to do so but put all seeds in a bag and bury in middle of the pot of soil and ship away. Lmao


I really like this plants shoots to node ratio!

These 2 plants are very similar in morphology.

This mother has lots of branches.

here is the pirates cake x lavender mother i kept.

Heres the lava freeze i got a little to carried away with the ipm treatments when they were seedlings and burned the lower leaves a little. Im really having a hard time deciding which crosses i want to make. Im for sure making a femmanized pirates cake x lavender. But i have 8 strains i can make up to 16 crosses but yeah that’s too much.


yo Prey tough decision on which way to go Im trying to get ahold of U shoot me a text or a DM


Just got back from Rob Zombie, Alice cooper, ministry, and filter. An amazing set of concerts!!


I love every single one of those bands I’ve actually Seen Rob Zombie as part of a USO Show I was actually invited to my first REAL Concert (outside USO SHOWS/Bar shows) which is JELLY ROLL! In October actually to celebrate my 4 Years California Clean! Nothing but NATURAL things!!


Sounds like a great show all killer bands
@HostileHippie420 congrats on the four years very nice I know it’s a hard road :v:t2:


Thanks bossman yea I spent the better part of 20 years on anything anyone would give me but mainly Heroin/Cocaine …. Now though I don’t even really think about it , DEFINITELY don’t crave it anymore shit nowadays you can’t find REAL drugs anyways I’m very grateful to say the least


in Utah?? wow life must be getting more progressive up there Prey


Lol im still surprised they even passed medical marijuana!


The babies are growing up so fast!

The other pirates cake x lavender is budding nicely and it streched a lot! And the 3 older mothers are hanging out.


Did a little super croping.


Im thinking about changing my avatar to my brand logo.