Ready to harvest?

A little Defol never hurt… but seriously bro I say this with love its a tight group here… don’t be that guy

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Shit Gorilla glue is not stretchy… I grew a beast 3 years ago… just don’t like the strain…as I extract everything and found it very greasy… quid pro quo…

i came here with best intentions… if you read everything that happened… you’ll see im not the only one in the wrong… facts

Its the way you express your opinion… we all have our styles no right or wrong in my opinion as long as it works… and old dude knows his shit a friend of mine ill take his advice over Google any day of the week lol

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I am always in the wrong and don’t care… just shut your yap and have your opinions… I didn’t judge you until you judged me…

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Just respect others styles… yours isn’t the only way to grow… that’s how we grow better


I do very much respect everyones style of growing. amd i want everyone to do what tjey think its best for theor grow. bottom line… if it sounded like I was trying to push people on doing things it wasn’t my intention. but i simply stated facts… that nutrients can not be wash out of your plants… and thats a fact with research behind it. that’s all I did… then yall got sensitive and but hurt… it then got aggressive… soo the way i see it. im not in the wrong. but i will try to express myself differently do to the sensitivity of the people here! :joy:

I said Google so he could find the interview with all the cannabis cultivator scientists talking about this… not to just ask google a random ass question!

you sound like my wife homie. end your tea party! :joy:

bye bye… and not me…


congratulations! :clap:t3:

Why thank you…I like congratulations…

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Yes that’s the whole point of flushing media so the intake the roots gets is minimal and uses up everything left … but I’m a firm believer the burn and taste are affected if you keep feeding till harvest… we all know about flushing

alot of people are content with being dicks likes you. so enjoy life! :joy:

I disagree… studies prove that anything that enters your plant does not leave. its proven and backed by studies. now what you chose to believe in is up too you… plants that get feeding all the way through harvest had more terps and thc… plant a analysis was done on leaf matter and now to mention taste test with over 400 plants. anyway… just so fun facts for yall to study up on! you’re welcome

Dude… no one ever said it leaves the plant… but monitor the uptake and flush as needed… its simple… you make it complicated

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why not feed the full feed the whole time?

Hence why we feed little in seedling then increase in veg then decrease slowly… know what your plant is taking in

dont you get that they are still taking in and getting better with out flush? or do you refuse to understand that part?

Like I said before taste n burn… if you get black ash after harvest… its a sign of built up nutrients in buds… every part of that plant is affected what you feed

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