RO Water problems

Hello everyone. Have a problem that has been hounding me since I switched to RO water last year. Ever since switching I have had major problems with grows and Soil pH easily going off on me. Before I was using ffof and trio nutes and grew super big juicy green plants. Then one day the water which comes from the reservoir stunk real bad so I then decided to go with the 3 buddy system RO water and have had problems since. I really am not 100% sure but problems started at that time and am now just putting it together that it has something to do witht RO water and control of pH. Don’t matter how much CalMag you put in, if pH is off then all those nutes mean nothing. RO water = Bad pH problems (still not sure if I am using too much or not enough calmag, 1 teaspoon per gallon everytime water and feed )
RO water is at 9 ppm
tap water is 288 ppm
I bought this filter

and it takes every bit of chlorine out of the tap water.
ppm of filtered water is still 288 ppm , the company claims that the stuff filtered out like chlorine don’t change the ppm, is that true? Heavy metals are still there but heck we breath in heavy metals every day.
Like I said the grows with tap water was better than these grows with RO water and am thinking RO water is my problem with this big war I am having with pH lockout. RO water causes lost soil buffer and problems mount too high. Any one else use RO water then quit because too many essential minerals are stripped out and CalMag just don’t cut it and buffer is lost which causes severe drift in the soil? @missiles @tdubwilly @hoppiefrog @macgyver_stoner @BudBrother @myfriendis410 @organicgrower4m @Jess @anyone else with similar situation. Thank you.


I use my well water. I know a couple people you tagged use RO water so they should be able to help you :wink:

I’ll add one more for good measure lol @not2sureyet


I use a reminerilization cartridge that buffers the ph to near 5.8 for me it has calcite and corsex (calcium and magnesium) also do you airate your Rez? You may be be getting annarobic bacteria if not


What was the ppm of the well water if you don’t mind me asking? Do you use calmag with well water? thx :smile:


I am in roots organic original soil this grow, then I move to super soil and that is the reason I must get this down pat on watering, I am thinking this over and over and think that the tap water at 288 ppm may be better to use for my super soil grows coming up here.


My starting ppm on my water is around 326. I only use Cal mag when I see that a deficiency is starting but I do have it in my supplies :wink:


Yes, you have plenty of those minerals in your water. Hope you have a great day !


Yes I do lol thank you and you have a great day yourself :wink:


Yes that is true.

Since I started using RO I never looked back but if you feel you were doing better with tap them I’d say give it another go.

The whole thing about the minerals being “stripped” from the water as you say gives you total control over what goes into your plant by giving you water with a “blank slate” that you are able put in exactly what you want.

Again, if you feel you were more successful with tap them give it another whirl


Thank you for replying @tdubwilly. Yes another reason why I went with RO, I felt that with organic RO is the way to go and the control of what is in the water and what you put in…


I use R/O because our muni water supply SUCKS. 550 ppm at the tap. When I started using purified water my plants responded well.

Maybe add some more soil buffers like dolomite lime to help?

Like Tdub I enjoy the control.

Another idea is to run 50/50 with your tap water. …


This is what I found out about using RO. @tdubwilly hit right on it. It strips the water of chlorine and such chemicals and Micronutrients.
These micronutrients are very much needed for Soil growers. Iron, sink, copper, vitamins and salts. My deficiencies were constantly showing up. I researched and asked questions just to find that out.
Now I use tap water, but I Air a grate it for 36 hours before use. Then with some coconut water to add more vitamins. Now I’m back on tract. Good luck Farmer


Yes that is a good idea, mix it alittle maybe that will stabilize things. I am going to be doing some experimenting soon, dropped extra seeds, free ones I got from an order and going to get to the bottom of this, But like I said the next grow is going to be super soil, just tested that soil, been outside cooking for a couple months, Put some in a pot and watered runoff (with distilled water) out and tested it, 6.5 pH and 1314 ppm’s. So I think I am good on that super soil. Thx


Those are very good levels of numbers. Iv found out that when I transplanting into this higher levels of ppm’s ( 1300 or more ) I use seed potting mix watered down and 2” thick I lined the bottom and sides of my hole before the planting. This prevents nutrient burns for 10-15 days.


This is the plan.
1/2 supersoil at bottom half
top 1/2 roots organics either original or green fields, I have used both and find that green fields has more nitrogen because of added compost and is very good veg soil, but going to put original in the other container to compare. Thx. see anything not right in your eyes let me know, ask away. oh the pic came in sideways you have to lean you head to the right ! haha


I’ve never had any pH issues with RO water up here in the great white north… Only think I’ve noticed is it uses less pH down (phosphoric acid)



Iv not done this myself and i truly believe each environment is Unique in its own right to DIY projects. Maybe @Ladithief or @Packee might see something here. But I say each grow to me is Experimental because I learn each time what to do or not to do.


I’ve had great success with tap and RO.

You can always dechloronate the tap water by letting it sit for 24hrs and aerating. I was doing this for my living soil outdoor grow this season, until I realized :bulb: “hey dummy” I’m on a Great Lake and should walk to the dock and fill up :man_facepalming:



I would almost try this Great Lake, However; the bad bacteria was up to 687,000 ppm two years ago n under treatment today. The Authorities are having home and campgrounds flush the die down, if it shows up in Lake Ontario they are fined upwards to 10,000 big ones.


Aerating will kill the bad… makes the rain water smell fresh in 24hrs no matter what the skanky stink is when I put it in the bucket…