Round 2 for indoor

Train wreck 26-28 inches tall. White widow 25-27 inches except the runt which is 13 inches tall. Gotta get these clones popping some roots so I can flip the to flower and get to making some seeds


Just wait and dont change the resivoir nutrients. It should be about 7-10 days. Just leave them alone. If you look make damn sure you plug the pump back in or you clones will die. Ive fucked up a few batches like that checking the roots and then its messed up! Ive had pumps fail to turn back on with a timer so i never turn my pump off. And i always make sure the cloners already running ph’d and set. And then i cut one clone and dip it in clonex put it into the cloner label it and then the nex one so i dont mess up labeling them either! Very important not to mix up stuff lol


@PreyBird1 I took 2 of all 6 plants. 3 widow phenos and 3 train wreck phenos , I have some cuttings coming of northern lights that been around since early 2000 and some fruity pebbles og that should of been here today. Hopefully tomorrow. 2 phenos of FP. One smells of the dry cereal and the other is citrus like lemon lime , I’m excited about both and hopefully get them rooted also.
Fruity pebbles x runtz for a fruity explosion :drooling_face::drooling_face:


Fruity pebbles showed up today. 2 phenos. Citrus limes and dry cereal , they have been stuck with usps for 4 days. They are pist off. Prepped them and put into cloner hopefully they perk up and make it.


Ok so I’ve asked in a few spots. What’s the meaning of cutting the fan sleaves on clones. To me the plant would do better without any damage to the leaves. I see this with a few ppls and don’t get the meaning of clipping leaves that potentially are a helper in getting the plant to shoot roots. Please if anyone can explain this to me. No one ever has an answer besides I seen this guy do it and such. Lol. Hell to me even having that Xtra leaf tips will add that much more rh to the area that’s sbeing grown in


@Mark0427 The logic behind clipping the leaves is to force the plants to direct more energy to rooting. If the leaves are damaged the plants stops sending its energy to the damaged leaves and focuses it on rooting, it also supposed to reduce transpiration as the plant no longer uses the damaged leaves. This is the way it was explained to me and I’ve done it since my first clone , not quite sure if this has been proven to be true or not. But like you said others have been doing it and never tried it without


What all did u throw in rez for them. I usually have great cloning success. Hopefully I’ll see me do this same thing in a few days when my cherry ice cream cuts make it here to me. They r coming unfrosted this time as last time being a little warmer outside and getting stuck in transit cased the roots to go mushy some well after a week and a half of growing and getting new growth started it just limped over and died. So we try again. Lol. Trying to preserve this cut and make some seeds from it as we had a few try and no luck with seeds so far. The vut is slowly disappearing and we r all wanting to keep it around as @hellraiser was the one who was kind enough to share the cut with a couple.guys who have been keeping it around since and well @hellraiser kinda upped and disappeared on is all like quick fast and in a hurry gone. Lol. Hope all is well with him tho. He was a man of knowledge and is a loss to all of us. Might be bending ur ear @PreyBird1 and @repins12 when it’s close to spray time I’m gonna warm ur ears with questions as I wanna make this work this time. Keeping the 2x2 cleaned for this specific reason here. Make babies. Lol


Ph water to 5.8 and just clonex seedling and clone solution at the moment. @PreyBird1 has been guiding me along with this new cloner , he seems to have a good system with it and high success rate. :+1::+1::v:


The fruity pebbles og cuts were sent to me already clipped . All I did was make a fresh 45 on the end , redipped in clonex and put them in the cloner. Missed my morning check. The wife picked up our 2 month old grandson for the weekend and well… his sleeping schedule is a little off and he has been fussy. So not much sleep last night and the little I got caused me to miss my morning check before lights out​:weary:. Guess I’ll see how they are doing this afternoon :+1::+1::v:


Ok so when I clone I’m sure prey is similar also. Lol. I have clonex gel and clonex solution both. I take a cut I don’t 45 or anything just a snip on a small angle is fine soon as I clip it I dip it lol clonex gel then to a collar on the cloner in the cloner I do 4 gallons of ro water with 30 to 40ml of clonex solution oh that to 5.8 turn it on then I set it in tent and forget it for atleast 3 days 3 days mark ill look in rez to see how low it is. I wait til I have to add about a gallon of ro water only no pH no nothing just fill the rez to the bottom of the manifold sprayer and close it up. I don’t pH I don’t add anything but water and just continue to add to water as it gets low. I can prolly grow small plants the whole way thru in the cloner. I’ve had mine run with plants that got only about 10 inches around and 2 feet tall just got lazy and didn’t do nothing to them or transplant lol. Had to snip new clones from it and restart as the roots were all intertwined and breaking bad so I redid them. That’s when the cats got into the tent and almost made me quit. Lol. Sorry me and wife just did a nice fricken dab and I’m lit right now I slept for shit and coughed wrong the other day and did something to my lower back pinched a nerve or something as it’s hard to twist turn and move. Hope y’all have a weedy wonderful day. It’s gonna be a nice warmer day here today so gotta get my back warmed up to clean my dirty ass car and wife’s minivan.


So my next question bc I’m actually trying to find one …. What is a more organic way to bring DOWN my ph as I have well water an after the desalination process, I normally sit around 8.0/8.1 then I bring it down to 6.5 … but I know the way I doing it isn’t organic by any means (Literally using ph down by general hydroponics


Citric acid is both organic and very effective pH buffer. I guess Malic acid is also in that category but Citric is cheaper and readily available…


You sir are amazing, I’ll be hitting the website soon for some more BBP I can’t believe I’m growing what I have been I appreciate all of you!


Fruity pebbles og cuts and clones perked up ,white widow and trainwreck clones still look good soon as I Can get some roots on them I can flip to flower and get Perma frost rolling… scarlet grapes cruising along growing quite fast



@PreyBird1 got some root action and lots of bumpies :grin::grin:


White widow #1 starting to turn purple , got some heavy purple veins in the stems also.


If u havnt added new ro water wait til u add just ro water to the rez no pH or anything. They r gonna blast off fast. Lol. Best part of clones is watching the roots go nutz


@PreyBird1 Looks like all train wreck and white widow have roots or white bumps and will in the next day or so. FPOG lime pheno clone has new roots (in grow block. lol ) the other 2 lime and 3 cereal need more time


Scarlet grapes rocking out at just under 2 weeks from pop

Purple jellato doing its thing. Lol