Round 2 for indoor

An entire greenhouse would be nice… :sunglasses:


@sw33tzombie Yes it would. Eventually I’m gonna get out of the city and I’ll have one :+1::+1::v:


Humidity is a little high. But as of now the clones are happy and perky. So it’s gonna stay that way :joy::rofl:


Trough plants filling back in after defoliation and taking clones , tent buckets doing good except Dosi kush. She keeps making acid water. I come home today to check her and she is at 4.5 . So I’m doing a water change. Buckets getting washed and her roots getting rinsed, start over before too late. Single plant pic is little runt white widow lol


Scarlet grapes starting to take off and so far purple jellato is a lonely 1. Othe r2 seeds popped just seem real slow to take off , one finally started to open slightly and looking like it might start to do something lol.


Beautiful growth and color…even your clones !


Thank you my friend, I was a little nervous starting back up. Been a while , trying to get back into a routine … I’m very happy with the clones so far , haven’t had the best of luck In the past with clones. I did a lot of research, Learned more about vpd and how it affects growth, made some changes to my room and ventilation and asked a lot of questions. so far so good. Everything has been doing pretty good. Happy plants =happy grower :grin::grin::+1::+1::v:


You need to chat up a bunch with some of the hydro guys. I know it’s exactly won’t they say NOT to do but Snipe does a water change once a decade. LMAO im a dirt warrior still too scared to pull the trigger but it’s too damn hot for me to go water outside in Florida heat out back yonder in the shed. You’ll get it nailed down perfectly soon enough but it all looks pretty luscious and happy.


Those fan leaves are huge and they look great!! Your setup looks amazing and the babys do too!


Just wanted to say that I know @treetrunks has done an excellent job on adopting VPD protocol.
If you have any questions, or just want to shorten the learning curve, you might want to pick his brain…


Hydro is fairly easy brother. Especially bubble buckets, just require a few additional things to get started. I run similar grow style as sniper, i do one change a cycle . from veg to bloom , ill dump them clean them out and refill and adjust the nutes and ph. It’s getting there … it’s only this one plant giving me issues and she is about 1/2 way through bud :+1::+1::v:



Clones still look good , trough plants getting big. 25 inches and going except little widow. Lol. Dosi pluto , arachnid pie and charlotte’s dementia are little bushes. lol. All 3 starting to bud , scarlet grapes doing good , and lonely purple jellato , not looking good for the other 2. might get one more out of these seeds. Might have to find a couple replacements lol.


Looking like purple jellato is gonna be lonely, I tried all 10 Seeds I had 3 popped and only one made it. So I’m thinking I’m gonna oull2 totes and use the spare area temporary for clones. Besides white widow and train wreck. I have some cuttings and couple clones coming from a couple fellow growers, I’m hoping they survive the trip , northern lights , from what I’m told this particular one been around since early 2000’s which is about the last time I can remember having good NL. I also have 2 phenos of fruity pebbles og on the way. One smells of the dry cereal :drooling_face: one more citrus like lemon lime , looking forward to both strains… please make it in good shape.:pray::pray: :+1::+1::v:


A buddy just sent me some seeds regs but he says they should survive And pull thru anything. Lol. Been thru hell and back and this strain lived thru it all. Seeds look beautiful. Sux they r regs but man the finish product will let u know also. Lol. Regs the best buds u can get sux to wein out males tho.


Good to see you too! No worries about running behind – life has its own tempo. Whenever you’re ready to holler, I’m here. Until then, take it easy and catch you on the flip side!


@PreyBird1 , don’t see any roots yet. But all seem healthy, branches and leave feel firm. No wilting… see what happens. This is usually where I get with clones , they don’t like to root. Lol. did water change fresh clonex solution. 73-78 temp and 80-90% humidity,




Everything is cruising along. Had to raise the light over the troughs. Have to measure them here in a bit. 4 Tent ladies in buckets all budding and doing pretty good. Totes cruising along. Checking back and scarlet grapes are 10 days from popping, ladies are getting first dose of regular nutes tonight. They have only had clonex seedling up to this point . Last tote no tag is purple jellato , only one out of all ten seeds to pop and survive . Won’t be getting anymore autos from that seed bank , not had any luck with the auto. Only Photos seem to be ok also far. :+1::+1::v: kinda glad I went with a different bank for the Perma Dream cross.