Round 2 for indoor

That sucks Again just my opinion. If the photoperiod reg became root bound they could autoflower.


Oh your good brother. Say what’s on your mind. No arguments here. Lol. These were done in my trough system. They grew off to begin with. Very lanky little to no side branching. Just sticks with leaves. Very hard to keep happy. The breeder from what I understand has been the center of some controversy over bad genetics or miss claims. I try not to judge until I experience and well. I kinda get why people say what they say. Either way I’m looking to try to salvage something out of this , figured an auto without a know cross with ruderalis was interesting, especially if I get the pheno I’m looking for.


Sorry didn’t mean to be sarcastic just know how hard u work and have this happen again my apologies


No apologies needed brother. I took a chance on these genetics, I knew there was a risk so I kept them separated. I was just hoping all the talk about the breeder was talk. lol. The fact that all 11 males autoflowered blew my mind. I have 4 females that didn’t auto so i still got to see how they turn out.