Round 2 for indoor

Oh I know all about those. :grin::grin:. Got a dozen or so of his crosses. @repins12 does an excellent job with his crosses. I have a few he sent a bit back I need to try out. It’s just gonna be a few. Once Perma frost is done , I’m stripping the room down and cleaning and neutralizing pollen so I can flower some other plants. Everything is getting washed including the plants lol. I have a a flora flex 8 pot coco setup that I’d like to setup. Limit myself a bit , so I can maintain things a little better …maybe …:joy::rofl:


Right on you got it then :wink:
Yea they make a nice system I use their Flora caps and lines they last forever just clean them and reuse


Yeah well i paid $3 for a lemon cat nip plant from a nursery here locally and brought it home. And the wife told me not to buy it and said cats dont like lemon! Well the cats immediately started to eat it! So i took it to the grow. Well motherfucker it had mites on it and yep i completely messed up. All for the sake of the cats! The stupid cats :man_facepalming: mite bites look totally different on other plants but somewhat similar.


I did that with a lemon tree we sprouted, it was outside and I brought it into my room. It had mites. Was the first and last time I ever did that. I do still bring in the lemon tree but it gets treated and quarantined for like a month before I even think about putting it in my room. lol. Lesson learned.


There all looking great is that red pop the one that bleeds red


No just supposed to smell and taste similar to faygo red pop. I have dragons blood hash plant , that if the right pheno is found bleeds red . I may have another just don’t remember off top of my head


Sundae Smash



Real nice lookin ladies


Thank you. The 4 space runtz are the tallest , I got romulan, stardawg and the little one budding is vintage blueberry x blueberry muffins


Took one of my buddies out in the boat today. Took a 40 mile round trip on Lake Erie to west sister island, lake was nice ran at a nice 40 mph cruise with a few hammer down burst to a nice 60 mph rip, on way back stopped at a hang out island, smoked some fatties and just relaxed. Work tomorrow :v:


Livin the life


Awesome, nice view as well. And then the dreaded four letter word. :face_vomiting:


2 - White widow monsters

2- Train wreck

Space runtz

Clones that I gave to one of my brother in laws to grow outside. The scraggly looking space runtz was chopped down a bit she was 3 feet over the fence :rofl::joy::v:


Chopped down the white widow and train wrecks today. Collected around 100 seeds each pheno that fell out of the plants , bagged up each plant to finish drying , cleaned out the 2x4 tent. took everything out and sterilized and cleaned it with some bleach. After it dried out ,I Dropped all the paper bags in the tent , hooked up the fans and closed it up so they can dry out and I can collect the ready of the seeds :v:


I collected some other seeds from some fruity pebbles og I had growing. Was not a successful run and had some wacky genetics, although something good may have come out of it. So I put down 18 seeds of some FPOG F3’s that were supposed to be photo regs , well 14 of 18 auto flowered . 11 males and 3 females. 1 female died. The 2 remaining are seeded and have what I almost believe to be dry cereal phenos. One smells of crunch berries cereal and the other is leaning towards fruity pebbles dry cereal. Anyone have any ideas on how the new seeds may turn out. Will they auto being the males went auto and the receiving females went auto also ? I’m gonna try them either way just curious on what people think @PreyBird1 @jj520 @Dforce @sdoyle @repins12 and anyone else . what would be your thoughts on something like this ?:v:


I would think that they would be auto too. But I am not a breeder, I’m sure the breeders here will chime in.


I would think they would carry the ruderalis gene’s since they were all autos when u started. Not a breeder but just my opinion @repins12 from what i read here is a breeder of some awesome autos he can probably be helpful along with @PreyBird1 @dequilo and a few others


80% of the time they carry the mother’s genetics. Other than that only the shadow knows?


These were photo regs that auto flowered on their own. Lol. I was not happy because I had other project going and didn’t need to worry about pollen.