Skyfishbud, the scrappy grower

That’s correct and so you know one batch that you make will make 10 batches. So it will last for a long time.


Thanks man… I screenshoted the directions you left … :wink::+1:


Hey bud… @PreyBird1 … I received my ingredients… I’ll be memorizing that thread you left… lol… appreciate it man… :+1::wink:


Awesome man. I wanna say i jave pollen from the cic. Dont know if i should chop dry and pull pollen or how do i go about this now. I flicked a bottom branch and def seennpowder fly. Any ideas would be a great help. Lol never done this before but i wanna atleast make the cic happen for surè.


Thanks bud… :+1: … Man, I watch vids like this… if you get plenty saved, I wouldn’t care to have a little… I hear great things from the cic… :wink::+1: congrats on your project… :clap:

One thing I’ll say, whatever you use for collection… watch static electricity … it’ll fly right off the collector… :man_shrugging: :wink::+1:


See i told you. Those canadians will send you anything! Yeah buddy now that’s the stuff dreams are made of lol. One batch makes a lot of solution. I think like 6 or 10 bottles and each set of bottles will do like 4 plants so basically every reversal yoi can use a bottle from the batch. The original (concentration form) is good for 6 months. You could easily sell some to people who want to try it to offset the original cost. But i think if your deep enough into growing you would have already done this, been doing it, or already know how to do this. But not everyone needs to reversing shit and making crap. Like Reversing already reversed genetics is not a good idea. Testing the reversal takes a long time. I mean it can be crap? Or it could be really good?. All depends why your doing


Thanks man… yea, I’ve been growing 30+ years, Regular pollinating to preserve my seeds about 10 years but several friends only like fems… thought I’d try feminizing my own for myself and just to pass to a few friends… I’ve done the one other feminizing with silver, it was a 3 year cloned ultimate… it came out successful but not too many seeds… Gary pushed me to trying to make sts… :joy:
Thanks again bud… I screenshoted all your recipe, :joy::+1::wink:


Oh, sorry I’m a little slow and forgetful but here’s something I’m currently doing … appreciate it bud… :beers:
2 Ghost Walker males, 3 females… 2 Midnight Snacks, 1 Brown Dirt Warriors Chocolate Thai and your own Monkey Slapz, the white caviar was a male, not prepared to work with it yet… I will though… :clap:… but I’ve got several monkeys cloned… :+1::wink:


Thats sweet. I have a hard time wanting to grow commercial seeds. If i do usually im mak8ng a cross and i need to pick a ppant for the cross with my genetics. Since 80% of the time the the genetics come frome the mother i reverse my strain and pollinate the other plant.


@PreyBird1 So as long as the plant started as a regular seed, then cloned a number of times. It would be good to reverse? If that is all good, I want to do 2 or 3 clones, just to have seeds on hand, as you can’t get them anymore. I’m talking about my Grateful Breath, I looking for enough STS to do this. Any suggestions? More than likely a one time deal.


Yes a regular is fine. Its when you take a femmanized and reverse it. I have done it dont recommend it. Its very unstable and the phenotypes are all over the place.


How do you feel about the premixed sts you can buy? Any recommendations?
I just need enough to do 2 to 3 small plants.


Are you not able to make some? Or you dont have the resources? Im sure i could sell you some if i needed too whats up?


I’m not interested in making a bunch of different ones. I just want to reverse this one. Any others I can just BX for reg seeds. If you would be willing to sell a small amount, I would definitely be interested. I will be taking cuts today, so they will need about 6 weeks to get established. If you want to DM me the info I will set you up. Thank You.


Shoot me a dm. Do u want some already made up in a bottle or powders u can mix and make urself. Im close to u we can possibly even meet up one day soon and i can personally give it to u. I was just in lexington last week wish i knew u werw that close to that eay would jave seen about a meet up. Not sure when ill be that way next for work but a meet up would be great. Ill bring u some wax from the cherry ice cream to try out and if intrested if my wife got me enough cuts ill bring u a couple cic cuts if u dont have any of that strain its pretty killer bud the wax has a great taste and high to it. Let me know. If i dont answer soon i will when i get home as we r at the inlaws right now.


That’s a great idea man. I was just going to send him some raw materials but you being closer is pretty fast to just go get some.


Yes and talking hw works right. Y me within 10 mins or so so this should be easy


Here’s a @PreyBird1 ’s Monkey Slapz…


Monkey Slapz… again… :joy:


Looking great :+1:t2: