Smart grow kit - SuperGreenLab tiny / mini / stealth growbox

For Sale, SuperGreenLab Ninja or Nano bundle, perfect for small indoor growing. Transform any piece of furniture in to a smart grow box. They were used for testing only, so as good as new.

Included in the smart bundle

  • 6x LED panels (6x 36 LEDs, 18 watt per panel)
  • 1x Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • 1x Ventilation
  • 1x Controller that can works with the SuperGreenLab android / ios app
  • 1x Power supply

The app also enables you to manage your grow from your smartphone :ok_hand:
The controller receives info from the temp/humidity sensor and helps you keep everything under control for smooth growing :sunglasses:

The ninja grow bundle is fully controllable from your smartphone and can be split into 3 different chambers with different light dimming, schedules and ventilation setups; perpetual harvest made simple :ok_hand:


WoW…That looks really damn nice & smart as well too, i would to be able to grow my plants in something awesome as like your growing tents they looks amazing ive looked at some growing tents quite more & offten than i think or realize because ther other main thing is the i havent been able to invest or just able to buy such a smart like that is because anything that comes near or even close to that on like the really really cheapest knock-off is to expensive now a days here in South Africa i just can not & not able to buy a growig tent like i would live to have…

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Greetings to all the growers & people…

Here is something that ive got myseld asking…

Running into strange problems & crazy issues that keeps you thinking How or Why…

Reason for me asking that is because i had the strangest thing to happen to 3 out of my 12 plants i have in total going big & small…So 1 out of the 3 it seems to me that ive managed to somehow save my plant the 2nd which is a bigger plant ended completely dying less than 24Hrs now the 3rd big plant is just dead as well but like almost completely dried out almost to a crack or snap also within 24Hrs…

Ill add some photos as well for you all to see what they looked like before & the 24Hrs later… Looking forward to seeing & hear what your going to have to say about this…

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The first thing that comes to mind looking at all your example plants it that they are all very leggy. What I mean by that is they all look like they are all growing tall and leggy searching for light. You don’t give any info on your setup so very hard to help. Your planters also look small. I have personally found that the bigger the pot the bigger the root system and therefore the bigger the plant. First priority is LIGHT, lots of it. Second is the proper soil and nutes, and a container big enough to support a large healthy plant. That dead plant you are showing is in an empty cup, but the root system looks very small.

You need to give a lot more info on your growing conditions. What soil, size of pots, nutes you use, PH of your water after nutes, light and how far from plants etc. HTH



This is what we need to find out? Plants dont go from alive then dead something happened? Wrong nutriens. But i suspect not a lot of drainage in the cup/buckets and maybe drowned plants. :man_shrugging:


Good catch Prey…didn’t even notice no holes in the bottom. A must.



Hi there yes maybe because i was also thinking & wondering about myself but the thing about that is that its almost been in the same soil from the start & beginning of the specific growing run only thing that really changed was going from a smaller pot to a bigger pot adding & filling the bigger pots untill its done & ready but also with the soil im filling or topping up with its the same soil that I’ve started from seed so with each bigger repotting its the same soil nothing changed same nutrients all measured with watering as & when needs to…

I’ll add some pix for you guys to see what it looks like when im replanting & potting into bigger growing pots below for an example of what i do…

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Looks like your roots stopped absorbing water. And by the looks of your dirty , it looks like theres not enough drainage or enough air getting to your root. Thats my guess. Root rot most likely. Sorry man. :pensive:


Howzit man…aaaahhh…im not to sure because even when i was trying to pull it out the roots still looked good & fine with no signs or smells from root rot the drainage should be fine as well cause ive go 8-9 almost 1 inch cuts at the bottom for that & im growing indoors where my plant are standing its under 2 open windows that are open 24/7 so there is or should be more than enough air flow getting into the room as well & I was also only watering 2-3 times a week dependig on the weather on the day too…Should have actually taken some pix of what the roots looked like after i pulled them out yesterday will remember to do so in future…

This is what the very same plant from my last post here above looks like now currently at the monent…


Ah…you don’t take the small pot and put it into the bigger pot like you are showing, you take the plant OUT of the smaller pot and transplant it into the larger pot, you then put the smaller pot onto your pot shelf and keep it for the next run. But ALL pots should have 4-6 drain holes in the bottom, typically 4 equally spaced and one in the bottom center. The way you are doing things the only place the plant can put roots out to the new soil is through any holes in the bottom of the smaller pot. (I’m guessing you are burying the small pot in the bigger pot?)



Hahahaha…yes obviously i know that i was busy checking & prepering my soil measures for the pot & growing containers because im very limited that regards so im in a constant rush of needing to & need to reuse all of my pots & growing containers that i do have because even my soil i very close to being limited as well so when ever theres soil with an empty pot or growing containers i start pre-prepepping some containers/pot whatever i can or able to use for my next plant that needs a bigger growing space…So i had some extra soil available to have it prepared & ready for the next replanting & potting of this lady…