Smart grow kit - SuperGreenLab tiny / mini / stealth growbox

Greetings to all the growers & people…

Here is something that ive got myseld asking…

Running into strange problems & crazy issues that keeps you thinking How or Why…

Reason for me asking that is because i had the strangest thing to happen to 3 out of my 12 plants i have in total going big & small…So 1 out of the 3 it seems to me that ive managed to somehow save my plant the 2nd which is a bigger plant ended completely dying less than 24Hrs now the 3rd big plant is just dead as well but like almost completely dried out almost to a crack or snap also within 24Hrs…

Ill add some photos as well for you all to see what they looked like before & the 24Hrs later… Looking forward to seeing & hear what your going to have to say about this…

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