I was definitely thinking of the manure comment. Cellis, I stated this before… We frequently describe URB as a product which builds the soil health so that anything with a root responds favorably. We used to say that we increase nutrients – -- however, it is more appropriate to say we balance the soil.
We had an organic farmer who had been using chicken litter for over 20 years…his P was off the charts too high; all manures are high in P, but especially chicken litter. In his case, URB caused a reduction in P which was required to balance the soil. I am guessing there may be too much P in this case.
High Ph soil tends to go lower with URB and low pH soil tends to rise.
I am not sure what is going on with your plants, it may be a pH problem, may be lockout, it may be fungal… What I do know is It may prove beneficial for you to give us a shot
No risk involved.
URB is essentially concentrated “Mother Nature” —a liquid formula of several carefully selected micro-organisms blended in a humic acid carrier. Starting from a list of 200 beneficial soil bacteria strains, the candidates were narrowed down to the most compatible and complimentary microorganisms to perform specific beneficial functions in several different areas related to plant health and vitality; 6 bacteria, 1 fungi.
URB has demonstrated the ability to significantly increase crop yields while simultaneously decreasing fertilizer usage. URB products also reduce water and pesticide usage.The result is a significant increase in profits for customers in a wide range of applications and growing mediums. Additional benefits for Cannabis grown with URB are higher nutrient content, translating to higher cannabinoid percentages, faster and earlier germination rates, earlier maturation, and better ability to withstand environmental stress such as wind, extreme temperatures, and drought. All these benefits are accomplished without reliance on growth hormones, genetically modified organisms, or synthetic chemicals of any kind. URB’s proprietary microbial formula is organic, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. It is designed to work on many different crops in a wide variety of growing conditions.
URB rehabilitates soil, making it healthier and better able to hold water, nutrients and oxygen. It is highly compatible with organic farming and also has great results when used on conventionally cultivated land. URB was developed at Michigan State University (MSU) over a six year period. Research included extensive greenhouse testing, over 200 outdoor test plots, and multiple commercial user field trials operating under real world growing conditions.