Support ticket

Hello and welcome to the Growers Network Family. We are very glad you are here with us now. You couldn’t come at a better time than now! Lol. The community will help you out, if you so desire any assistance.

To start a thread, click the bar “New Topic”

•Starting with a support ticket will help strengthen your growing abilities. It will help you guide your next grows with prev data that you can build from.

This is a support ticket. Copy and paste it to your thread and fill it out to the best of your abilities. The community will help with any questions you may have.

Grow Journal Check List

Strain (bagseed too):
Indoor, outdoor:
Tent, Room Size:
Light height:
Temps (day and night):
Relative Humidity (day and night) :
Added Air (fans, portable acs, heaters, dehumidifiers) :
Pot sizes:
Soil, Coco, or Dwc:
Nutrient type:
Ph numbers:
Ec and PPM:
Water Temps:

Seed germination date:
Veg duration:
Nutrient cycles (how often feed/water):

Fill this out. It will provide many more topics to discuss in your Thread/Room. You keep all your info in the one place. Every time you post in your thread, it goes to the top of the pile and you get more interactions.

Threads Vs Posts. A thread is a personal room. A post is each time you comment on a thread. Your threads are yours to talk about growing cannabis topics and conversations you choose to have within the guidelines of our community. No gun, politics and social conversations unless pertaining to growing cannabis. these conversations take away from those in need of help growing their medicines.

Be respectful of others threads/Rooms. DO NOT photobomb or randomly talk on others threads. These are peoples work. respect them and they respect you.

•Anything needed? Add your input via post.
I will rework the script to be functional for all to use.



Id also like it if you folks would post any growing charts that you find relevant.



@Hydro lol


First that’s funny.
Second he said DIRT!!! LOL

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Throw up a link to "charts and graphs " it’s all already there a gift thread from a fallen and loved hippie @tdubwilly let’s keep his threads alive and show ppl the same love he so freely shared with all no matter what!

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There’s something there for just about any question you will need a chart or graph for

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Thank you @paulcoyote


You are welcome!


Id like to Welcome all those new folks in and hope these items help your growing in everyway.


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Welcome @NoCoGrows



Thank you! Glad to be here!


Very glad your here. Have you been a farmer long?


Thanks for the welcome home. This is a very informative place with alot of super cool chill folks. Guess I need to get my intro post put together since its kind of an interesting story how this hobby came to be for me personally.


Hey hey hey @coaltrain! Welcome. Glad your hear. Would love to hear your story.

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Welcome @bigshoots Glad your here. What got you into your first grow ever?

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Well @Slym3r how much time you got LOL. Is it cool to post here or should I do an Intro post somewhere?