Taking so long for an autoflower

Hi guys I got two mimosa xxl autoflowers going . They are two and a half months old and they are in flower but no bud development no white hairs at the tops yet but big pistils developing ! Is this strange for an auto ? What the hell is taking so long . Or am I just being impatient. Also another question. I see a lot of people say they only water their plants every other day . I had two times where I I went away for a day came back and my plants looked like they were dying and before I left I watered them.good . How can people water every other day ? Are some strains more drought resistant?


I’d say just wait a bit , over all the plant looks healthy , actually really healthy.


Hey @spades90

2.5 months is too long for an auto, and you dont have flowers. Looking at your plant, yellow leaves and lurple stem, you cluld also have big nutrirnt deficiences there.


Watering schedule depends on alot of factors like grow media, pot size, environment, plant size ect. If you notice them getting dry I would go ahead and water them, it’s also possible that the plants might need more frequent waterings as they gets larger. I would recommend flipping the light schedule to 12/12 and trying to force the plant to flower incase there was a mix up from the breeder/seller. The plant looks good but it also does looks hungry for nutrients as @chrisj mentioned.


Thanks for that advice! Just so you know the leaves are changing colors and some leaves are turning purples since they have entered flowering And started producing pistils !


I thought it just looks like that because nutrients are being depleted during flowering


Do you have any runoff numbers ph and ppm ? Or better question do you water til you get around a cup or so of runoff, if you have salt build up that can cause lockout and the plant can’t take in nutrients then. The leaves shouldn’t all be yellow just my .02 cents :metal::beers::grin:


What do u feed them they appear þo be hungry. Usually the yellow means that pla ts r using up resources in the leaves which at this point in the grow is not a good thing. Looks like it needs a good feed with a flower booster def looks to be low on nitrogen but as chris states it could be a lockout issue or something also. Whats the light schedule on for the plants. May wanna cut hours back for a little bit til u notice bittons form then kick hra back up a little bit but this is only.if this is a teue auto and not more photo leaning. Where u got the seeds from whats the pkg say on it. Mi.psa auto fems regs. Possibly could have sent u the qrong seeds like qhat happened to me firat time i got seeds. Ordered autos and they sent fem photo. I waited 11.5 qeeks and no flowers finally got the word to look on pkg. They sent the qrong shit so i had to manual flip which i wasnt setup for photos only autos. Lol.


So I’m using dynagro bloom and protekt and they are on 18 6 schedule ! Are those pistils not an indicator or flowering?? In your guys opinion it hasn’t started flowering yet?? Think I should go 12 12?


The seeds are from blimburn. The Package said autos !


No I don’t have those numbers I only have a pH meter!


So i don’t know what soil your using if its organic i believe you don’t do runoff but if it’s like fox farms or something similar then yes runoff will tell you if ph is off or let you know the plants are eating. I use apera pen for ph and blue labs for tds ( total dissolved solids) . I check my water before i give it to the girls so i know what im putting in then check runoff and record those numbers these will tell you if they are any issues with the soil also important to water slooowwwllyy let the water soak in to the soil if it runs out the sides of the pot then watering to fast you want the water to flow out the bottom of the pot . It does appear to possibly be a ph issue causing lockout but im definitely no expert so see if others chime in with more experience, stay lit my friend :metal::beers::100::sunglasses:


They definitely need some food they look hungry real hungry they need a good trim and then flip them to 12 and 12 until they start flowering and then ramp the hours back up after they start flowering some autos are finicky and don’t like to flip when they should so you need to treat them like a photo until they flip then it fits a true Auto you can give it more time back on the light schedule it will definitely be an XXL Auto now hope it all works out can’t wait to see that beast in flower✌🏻


Wow thank you for this gem ! Did not know that thank you very much . I will do that . What would you trim just curious and is it ok at this point if I adjust my tie downs or is it too late should I just leave them alone ?


when you water, do you really soak the root mass ?, I would drop the plant in a large container of water, because often growers would water their plants and it runs down the sides, so only the outer edge gets wet, improper watering will cause the root mass damage and cause the branches to drop, just like yours.

high humidity(over 70%) and low temps(below 20c) will cause the plants damage.


U can still strip the bigger leaves off and take like the bottom third off everything to the stems so u focus more on the to and not get .okdy shit at the bottoms veing close to moist soil. If u spread them with twine b safe not to split the seams


Yeah thats not an auto. And its also not flowering. It might be showing more female pre-flowers, but from what im seeing thats not an auto, but there not my genetics so :man_shrugging: id change the light to 12/12 and within 3-5 days if there is a bigger increase in flowers its a photo period. After 10 days you will know for sure because thats how long cannabis plants photoreceptors work. I reveg a lot of plants and in the 10 day window you can do different things to the plant. *here’s an oddball trick i do sometimes. I take a plant im breeding i pollinate it let the seed set and then revegg it after the seed is forming. Then i can grow that seed as the plant is starting to flower again that seed is ripe.


I don’t think I have been watering as thoroughly as I should have been .I was always a little cautious about over watering but I think I was being too cautious honestly


I did what you guys said flipped them to 12/ 12 . Going to attempt to lollipop them . Defoliation is one thing I haven’t had much experience with . Going to up the watering. And nutrients a bit . But i will keep you guys updated on the progress and thank you for all the advice. I would be lost without the input !!!


If u lollipop them id wait a couple few days to flip to flower make sure all is well with it. When u flip it starys to make bud sites and u dont wanna have the plant teying to repair a bad spot when it should be making buds. This is just me. A few days even if u see next day no limp and all.is standing wrll then flip but if u notice a slight droop or anything id wait it out a daybor 2 and then flip. Just trying to make sure u get the best of whatbu jave because she is thick and veautiful. Strip off all the big fan leaves if they have a reddish stem or purpleish take it off they will fill back in quick like in a dday or 2 but gives air room and light to penetrate into the inners some.