If you need help from myself or one of the other admins here on the community there are several ways to reach us:
Private Message - you can message me, Hunter or Nick for assistance. This page has a link to our profile pages:
About - Growers Network Forum -
Online chat - see that yellow smiley face bubble in the lower right? That’s a messaging system called Intercom that we use to allow you to online chat with us anytime you need help with something right away. It has the advantage of being visible to all admins so someone will respond sooner than if you message just one of us.
Email - you can reach me at mailto:nicholas@growersnetwork.org
Phone - if you need immediate help, you can call or text me at 512-758-9763. That’s the best method to reach me for any critical issues that need instant attention (e.g. the community is down or someone has posted very offensive or illegal material)