Too aggressive with Supercropping?

Have I supercropped my Money Slapz too aggressively? It germinated April 16.
If so, will it recover? I was intending to flip the lights on it in a week or so.


Looks nice and through! :v:


Thanks. Several branches were very thick and difficult to pinch, so I was concerned I squeezed too hard and, possibly, damaged the branch.


I pinch my branches and tips all the time makes them strong, if it l they’re difficult to pinch - all the less to worry :grin::v:


She will be just fine they bounce right back


I squish mine till the branch is so mushy it falls over. I then use some thing to tie the bran up till it starts growing back up. In a day or 2. You will probably be ready to tie the branches down. Or they will grow right back up :grin:


Talk about bouncing back!

I wanted to transition this and the Monkey Slapz into flower stage in a few days, but the 3x3 tent I use for flowering has a Runtz in it that still has three weeks or so before it is ready for harvest. There is no way three plants will fit in the 3x3 tent, and the lights in the tent where they currently are, do not have flower stage LEDs.
Any suggestions what I should do?


Looks great I would put all three in the 3X3 let the one finish up by then the other two will be showing buttons take the one out to harvest and let the two go in the 3x to finish flowering Ive ran four in my 3x3 in scrog it gets very tight but that’s the route I would go


I think I would give it a light trim and cram her in there too :grin:


How do I fit these two into the 3x3 tent currently occupied by the Monkey Slapz? The two plants would really have to be drastically cut back to fit them in there.


Just gently lift your net up slide one plant over put the other two plants in at this stage the branches should already be rigid enough to hold its shape shouldn’t need the net


Yep. I lift the front clips for the net high and move my plants. Then just lower it back to where I want it. You barely have any thing under the net right now. So it should be easy. The issue I see is how do you get n to feed the back plant. If it were mine. I would put the 2 new ones in the back and the first in the front since it will be the first to finish Or do a L. Here is 4 in a 4x4 but same idea.


Here is my solution. Yea or nay?
I finely chop up the leaf trimmings and spread it on top of the soil. The thought is that the organics and nutrients that exist in the trimmings will be absorbed into the soil —> plant.


Looks Great :+1:t2:


For branches that are super thick or strong I use a pair of needle nose pliers with the ends wrapped in masking tape. Just angle to where you want it to drop and pinch away. I have broken branches completely off and taped the ends together with tape and had them grow back. Remember, It’s a WEED!
P.S. Your plants look great!!


Looks good they’ll be ok


That looks just fine man. Sorry a busy AF day for me at work i didnt even eat lunch. But they fit fine mabey defoliate just a little bit also. Get the insides more light. Also how did the work thing go any good news? We got your light situation handled when your ready.


I use electric tape lol. And if you dont use a trelis or some way to tie them down they will go back up. If you want to slow down a specific shoot just pinch the stem and it will take that shoot a day or two to recover. Its useful when you need time and a little more room. Lots of little tricks you can do.


Thanks. Since I am growing in the three gallon plastic bags, if I punch holes a few places into the bag’s top edge, will that work with gently tying down the branches? Or will the plant eventually pull back too much and tear the tie down string through the plastic?
I had the second interview yesterday. The guy from the first interview is in vacation this week, and the guy frim yesterday’s interview will be on vacation next week. So I don’t know when I will hear back from them. I have been through so many disappointments that I have stopped guessing how interviews go anymore. I really appreciate all of the prayers and positive thoughts. I really do.


Brother you need them! The universe need to provide some kind of a break for you!

I was thinking for the holes maybe put some clear packing tape over the spots where you want the ties and maybe use. A paper punch and make some holes and hooefully the tape will reinforce the bags. Thats what i would try. Treslis is ideal and i got these to try and hold the plants to the trelis.