TreeTrunks Grow and Hash Thread

You’re close though. How many photos were in that stack?


@happilyretired 11 pictures in the stack


I can’t wait to try it. Of course I need to grow something first, I’m working on that though. Now I just need to do! :+1:t3::v:t3:


Blueberry Glue by Omuerta still curing, Stack with Helicon focus and remote, approx 75 pictures no tripod just layed on a flat surface


More Blueberry Glue


I hope you got clones of that. Or should I say those. Definitely special. I’ve never grown anything like that. I would like to see how it presses. That is a commercial plant if I ever saw one. Nice job, quite impressive. :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:


@happilyretired The Blueberry Glue I still have clones and will likely grow again but I killed the Jam on it after the stuff with that happened with the breeder. It wasn’t an easy choice because I did really like the plant but unfortunately I wasn’t able to grow and show it anymore. Too much risk of losing accounts/followers/sponsorships and the negativity towards people who still grow his gear is still disturbing strong. I’ve seen multiple people be harassed ect for posting pics of his gear since the news came out.

Edit: GN is extremely respectful, it’s the others platforms that can get a little intense


More Blueberry Glue from today


Trim bin sift from trimming


Woow. Look at that. That’s just glorious. So good, great pictures man.


What is TYMC and why is it important?

It stands for total yeast and mold count and is commonly used to measure the safety of canna products. It is measured by the number of colony forming units per gram (CFU/g).

In North America, the legal limits range from 1,000–10,000 cfu/g of dried product to 50,000–100,000 cfu/g, depending on location.

In this study they looked at the range of cfu present on fresh flower and drying flower, wet vs dry trimmed, air samples from the growing spaces, and the role genetics played.

There were consistently lower TYMC levels in dried samples compared to fresh samples. Following an initial increase in TYMC levels during the first 3 days of drying, the populations dropped significantly to around 2,000 cfu/g on day 6 to well below the levels from the fresh plant material. In none of the 35 samples tested was the TYM levels found to be at zero. Wet trimming also tested higher for TYMC than hang dried and then dry trimmed flowers with the thought being that the wounds from cutting the plant material allowed easier access for pathogens.

Airflow and genetics also played a large role in the total levels. Some genetics tested at higher TYMC than others grown under similar conditions while other genetics routinely tested lower. The genetics with higher average TYMC also showed a large benefit from additional airflow resulting in lower TYMC counts. It was also found that genetics with a higher risk for Botrytis and powdery white mildew also tended to have higher TMYC. Leaf litter on the ground was found to contribute heavily to the TYMC in air samples and on the flowers themselves which stresses the importance of keeping a clean growing environment. The time of year also plays a role with more samples exceeding 50,000 cfu/g levels during the warmer months during the leaf litre tests.
Drying was conducted in controlled environment rooms set at 21–23°C and 50–55% relative humidity for 5–7 days.

Does this mean all canna is moldy? No, yeasts and molds are everywhere in small amounts, including the air we are breathing right now. Consider that there are safe allowable limits of TYMC for drinking water and for different foods. Of the 21 fungal and yeast species recovered from the greenhouse-grown inflorescences, there are a few that could pose a potential threat to human health, while many of them do not and could even provide beneficial interactions within the cannabis plant. Also consider that many products contain large amounts of beneficial yeasts and molds like cheeses and probiotic yogurts. So while it’s important to aim for low TYMC while growing, also know that it may not be the best way to measure how potentially harmful a product could be and tests focused more on the species vs total counts may be a better standard than what is commonly used now. It is also important to note that there is a TYMC within the stems of the plants themselves due to endophytes and pathogens which can be cultured even after repeated surface sterilization.

Study : Total yeast and mold levels in high TH*-containing cannab*s inflorescences are influenced by genotype, environment, and pre-and post-harvest handling practices
Zamir K. Punja, * Li Ni, Samantha Lung, and Liam Buirs


Day 48 from seed approx, Hindsight by twenty20 and Deleted Scene from Cult Classics


Day 23F Hindsight Deleted Scene approx 49 day veg from seed for both

Switched out the old Bluelab probe for a new one, mixing fresh nutrients, lowered the ppfd slightly and going to double check my hypochlorous acid ppm again. The hindsight is still healthy but the Deleted scene has deteriorated alot over the last week. The problem reminds me a lot of the issue I had with the original two deleted scene plants I grew about 7 runs ago where one stayed healthy and the other died off mid flower despite sharing a recirculating reservoir and environment. I switched out the bottle of hypochlorous acid after that run and haven’t had the problem again untill now.

I would have addressed the issue sooner but I’ve been busy taking care of some stuff outside the garden this week.

Air temp 82-83f and avg 54-56 % RH, canopy is at 1400 ppfd

Feeding Dosaline nutrients currently 2.4 e.c. at 5.7 PH


The hypochlorous is still good I double checked it with the strips again, I’m going to drop the ec a little bit. I flushed the buckets with some fresh nutrients as well.


I put my flower tent temp/RH probe in a bag with a humidity pack tonight and it’s reading +7-8% RH over the humidity pack % after a few hours


If you take the moisture pack out, open, the bag or jars, lay them on their side for a couple of minutes seal them back up do it again in a few hours or in the evening if you’re working. In a day or two, you’ll be where you want to be and then put your moisture pack in there for stabilization. Or throw it in a cardboard box for a while. I stopped using the moisture packs two years ago or so. When I started using grow bags, didn’t seem to need them anymore. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Yeah just dump out buds a bit half hour or so then put back and cap off. Do it several times or atleast 2 times a daybtil u hit the rh u want it at then its fine to leave in jars and just open jars for air exchange let the old gasses out and fresh air in


It’s the probe for the tent itself that’s reading 8% RH points off, the only things in the in the bag were the humidity pack and a few probes to check their accuracy. So I’ve been running closer to 83f and 46%rh. The govee is reading minus one RH so I’m going to go off of that for the rest of the run. I’ll try checking my other probes as well to see how far off they are. The one that has +8 RH is an old Ac inf controller probe. I know the newer ones you can calibrate but I haven’t found how to calibrate this one


The Veg tent Ac probe is +10 RH over, but all of the govee probes are still within 1% so I don’t think it’s a problem with the humidity pack. I’ll probably grab a few of the wifi govees to use for RH instead of the AC ones so I’ll have some redundancy if one of them starts to drift.


I grab the ones off amazon usually they r really close within .1rh. I get 25 for like 15ish bucks or so. Been a whike since i had to grab new ones. Some will come with power on in box or dead batteries but they r not that expensive to grab replacementa from the dollar store and ur good to go. I get like 12 replacement batteries for 1.25 each pack of 12 from dollar tree