Well iv been. Hit again

Sorry for your losses. At least that guy will one day get his karma. My hemp “thieves” have been the neighbors cats and some local possum family that like to eat the whole plant. Wish I got video footage but my cam was messed up. Gratefully I have some respectable human neighbors. May you have better luck next time.

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I have like 10 good neighbors but 2 really bad ones we all know who they are where I live kuz my family pretty much runs the whole block so when people move out or there’s jus been one shirt person who has kinda stuck around and no 1 likes and was a their but stopd and at the other end of the st he’s still a their and sti strung out he as been since I was 16 and I was to and re robd me before and I cought him and he actually paid me so this time when he did it again I was like now I’m guna get the popo involved and the cops said I have enough to press charges now but I told them I’m guna give him 1 more chance he comes back next year and I track him down a 3rd time in my life in ll be bait him and lure him in and have the cops in my fuckn house if I have to

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Wait watchn the cameras w me

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1 time when were both strung out shame one u 2 times when I sober up well shame one me 3rd time oh il get ur ass

So it sucks man kuz I use to live for the streets but now I have kids and a home and good life and my family is stapd to the gills but I prefer my shilaleh and a good knife and I lived a very rough past every1 I knew is dead or jus getting outa 10 yr bids and I’m not ending up like them and I will play every card in my deck but I live in a shitty democratic state I don’t like but have no choice can’t leave my family I created out to dry to chase dreams around the world I’m chasing my dreams right here in my house and will afford to not have to live around shitty people and will have a spot where only my grow family and real family and the govt can find me.kuz let’s face it I’m done trying to run from them I’m jus guna be a good boy from now on hahah fuck theivs I hope their dicks fall off

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@shmodyshmott sometimes you just gotta leave toxic environments… its hard but worth it… I still carry my knife at all times but I won’t use it unless self defense

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You can always pop more seeds. I would give you handfuls before you need to do anything to jeopardize your family life. Just learn how to hide better.

Or move. Lol