Which strain had the most purple of buds you have grown?

That praying mantis pic is absolutely stunning. The sunlit backdrop casting shadows and the creature itself is out of this world. I can’t believe no one else said anything… that is wicked looking!
Sucks about the thieves shmott I had to install the blink camera system when I found my side gate left cracked open… the second time was it…I knew for sure. Beautiful Buds to have taken man… any buds rather.

Thank you and well spotted, often people dont notice the spiny flower mantis and it is so well camoflauged. It almost looks like the bud is fox tailing. That was one of my most favorite experiences with mother nature. Here is the magic mantis story if you are interested.


Oh I noticed it, absolutely beautiful picture and that mantis is like nothing i have ever seen. Do they have the ability to change color of whatever they are on or is this their permanent color?

If you took the pic a most excellent shot.


I had to scroll in, this looks like some alien venus fly trap weed! :open_mouth:


Yes sir. It was my buddy for a couple months, could put him on my finger and water the garden and then put him back. Almost lost him when delivering some basil to a restaurant, he got caught up in the basil leaves.

Do they have the ability to change color of whatever they are on or is this their permanent color?

Yes they adapt over the duration of their life. Start off green, then go white and then purple, and finally grow wings. I think it might have something to do with the camoflauge and hunting its prey.

How is that for a model pose. Its actually on its haunches, with its front “pincers” under its head looking directly at the camera. And its spiny tail is covering its wings, you can see one of the 6’s on its wings. Oh, and was on shrooms, working in the garden when taking this shot.

Sorry for hijacking this thread.


Worth it, that is cool as fuck I didnt even realise that wasnt just some deformed weed lol

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Well I been working hard at this purple thing lol…last few nights been opening the basement sliding door and letting it fill up with frosty cold air, then leaving my exhaust fan on till it drops to under 50 degrees, and low and behold I actually have a couple getting a little purple on them. I’m still running fairly cool during the light on at 72 degrees…