Would eating a small amout of earthworm castings provide benificial gut biology

So yesterday I experimented with a very small amount of earthworm castings and I did consume it. The idea behind this is that I’m adding probiotics beneficial bacteria to my gut and hopefully not parasites and crazy bad s*** to my gut. But I do know there are some professional is out there that could possibly read this and give me some insight I feel like it would help me more than it would hurt with all things considered that we’ve just recently learned about gut biology


Whhhhhaaaat? with all things considered that we’ve just recently learned about gut biology…

Not sure what we’re just learning about ‘gut biology’ but can pretty much assure you that the microbiology of the rhizosphere is nothing like the microbiology of the human digestive system!

I applaud your pioneering spirit, but do be aware you are potentially exposing yourself to many toxic microbes to include E. coli, Salmonella sp., Clostridium sp…would suggest if you think you can benefit from probiotics, go to the store and purchase any you take a liking to.

Reminds me of the account of a 14 yr old eating a slug on a dare…did not turn out well…he ended up dying of infection with some exotic mycoplasm…


this where you say APRIL FOOLS! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You didnt really did you?


This really isn’t the place for this kind of questioning. This is something you should talk to a doctor about and deff not to rando folks online. Not saying you might get good info here, just prob not safe to listen to random advice.


There are a couple of studies (Eating Dirt - PMC) that states that eating dirt (soil, compost, decaying leaves from the forest) could boost your inmune system. My personal experiencia with Efective Microorganisms, EM (https://www.emrojapan.com/) is that it works.
I won’t eat any worm or slug but a shot of EM helps with digestion and cuts 100% the gases after too much tacos.
Also, you can make your own Effective Microorganisms. Instructions here:


go see a gut dr. would be your best choice.to be safe .


Like @paulcoyote , I also know of guys trying EM, I think it was bottled drinks of EM. Not to sure how it works, but this is an interesting conversation.


Deff not how i expected this to go. I was so thrown off at first. We are just like our plants so… Lol. I’m still not trying it lol.


Its not the same, but mopane worms here are a traditional meal in my neck of the woods. Would you like them fried or boiled sir?


Chontacuros (worms from the Chonta palm tree) are also a delicacy in Ecuador. They taste like well roasted sheep meat.


I literally consumed such a minute amount. A very tiny amount. But yes I did. Size of a pencil eraser.