BOW4BUCK'S 2nd indoor grow

Longer veg time will increase final product. Just my $ 0,02 :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Ya thinking 6-8 weeks or more?


Ok, so if ya new grower and maybe a couple older growers too. I’m sure the question has come up, whats better LED or HPS? Not sure if I completely understand color spectrums and how these lights do what they do. What I do know from first hand experience NOW, LED is certainly more intense. Set up the new 4x8 with 2 hlg 600 rspec. The tent looked so terrible empty. I grabbed 2 of my best autos and set them in there. Have to admit I was stoned but did have a thought, hps is 600w so are the hlg’s should be no issue. Took over night to look like this from the light change.

One of the magnums and Durban Sunrise

Whiskey Zulu nug, these about done.

Babies growing just fine. Probably pot them up in a couple days.


What change are you talking about? I’m not exactly seeing what you’re saying. :man_shrugging:

As far as before and after on the plants.

All the leaves were nice and green, now they are all going straight yellow (sorry there was no before &after). They have been on 18/6 from the start. All that yellow showed after one light cycle under those new hlg’s…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: thinking going from hps to the led i should have hardened them off, if there is such a thing. Oh btw light aprrox. 24" high…

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I think that settles any intensity debate… @hoppiefrog is switching over to LEDs and I’ve only heard good reviews so far. I have no idea how many pounds he’s grown under HPS, but I know it’s a lot. Any thoughts I still had about trying HPS went out the window when I saw how much more Hoppie liked his LEDs.


still need CMH and a de HPS to get the best of all spectrums.but yes I’m loving the LEDs but I have yet to crop out to make a final call on yields and what not, tho I do expect to see good numbers in comparison to the hids with this style of plant tho still a bit concerned about lowers as far as yields,we hope to someday hit that 150 g a sq ft (dried & trimmed) mark again.


Holy crap getting ready for fall already. Had about 400 mums to pot up getting ready for fall sales figured I would do the babies while I’m at it.


I have spent hours upon hours pinching the tops off of mums! My 1st job. I do not envy you at all haha!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i thought those were all pot plants! :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :partying_face:


Gives me something to do going into fall. I know when the mums and pumpkins are sold it time to go hunting.


Maybe one day, just maybe…:grin:


That would be a whole lot of pot!


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Just trained one of the baby girls 2 days ago the other baby girl is crazy bushy so I’m not going to mess with her just yet…just added my used coffee grounds for feeding going to release from training tomorrow and trim the fan leaves away being it’s the first week of flower…and got another baby germinated lolol…not sure if I should trim the bushy girl but ready for the flower baby lolol …


A wee bit of an update. Been so busy barely have time to read post let alone make them. Not much happening but I’m excited.

Last zkittlez finally came down

Now we can get busy improving this space. Please don’t judge, I usually keep it pretty clean but I knew this was last harvest before tear down so was kinda lazy.

Pic above is where the Zkittlez were. The wall on the right separates this room from what I call the water room, we grow there too.

Once that wall comes down I’ll have one larger room.

First up, strip it all down and white masonry paint will go on the floor. Need to go get the paint today but also need to go register 2 kayaks with the state of Ohio. Sorry but thats top of the list. :grin:


Ha, sitting here with my coffee turn on the TV and see this. Apparently the take is legal grows are bad for the environment and not so green so to speak. Top of the list of issues, water consumption and electric usage.
They also touched on Canada being pretty much the only country to federally legalize and now seeing higher ozone emissions getting worse. Ok, water and power I can kinda see. Now no one would ever accuse me of being the sharpest tool in the shed but don’t plants actually clean the air?

What say any of you Canuks out there, finding it harder to breath when ya ain’t holding it in?


They have to be trying to factor in the power company eating the ozone with production process? I don’t know brother my head only goes halfway up my ass so I can’t get their exact point of view.


They must be speaking specifically of indoor. My outdoor I use 90 gallons of water a week the only electricity I use is for my well pump to pump those 90 gallons. As far as other cost I bought bulk fertilizer that what I wanted to use two years ago. This is my third crop using it I will finish it this year. My only other expense is pest control and that’s about $100-$150 a year. That’s it. Well the cost of the seeds too.
As far as the plants cleaning the air, I watch the National Geographic or discovery video or something like that a while back and they were talking about the defoliation of the rainforest in South America. They stated the contrary to popular belief the rainforest only makes enough oxygen to support the life in the rainforest. The majority of the oxygen produced for the planet comes from the ocean.
According to the program I watched!


Actually think I saw the same program. Remember them saying that about the rain forest.
The news piece was on indoor grows at least thats what they were showing. Mentioned California and other western states with water shortages.


Let’s remember that you saw this on the news. So we can automatically assume that 90% of what you just heard is bullshit from the start right? Because I’m sure they did their research regarding ozone, water and electricity before hand lmao!!