Chase Blue kai farms

Nice full little tent! What size is the tent.


How about a shot under the skirt? Beautiful plants, doing nice work.:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Thanks appreciate you stopping in The one in flower is in a 3X3 the ones that just got flipped are in a 4x4

@happilyretired will get a under the skirt shot when I post the cleaned up pics thanks for stopping in appreciate it


Got the end game R2 x Grandpa’s # 12 cleaned up here’s a shot above and below the net will get the UVB set in there in the next week or so

And the clones got a little clean up

Got just about a shopping bag full trimd off the plants


Just discovered your thread. Nice grows man! Looking dope in that tent! That stem is outgrowing that water divider, or what is that thing called, by the looks of it :sweat_smile: Very good sign.


@MrMonkey420 thanks appreciate you stopping in yeah she’s getting to be a little thick in that collar I hope she doesn’t get too much fatter do you have a thread going


I did brother, link below, but it’s kind of dead as I’m not growing anything atm and this will take a little while longer. Can’t wait to get started again tho. F*ck I miss it. But good things are coming up!


Killer buds bro! You give me something to strive towards.

Nice clean trim job too. :face_with_monocle:


@scryptic thanks appreciate you stopping in✌🏻


Got the net put in above the clones yesterday they’re looking good


I think I’m gonna scrog 2 of the mid snk clones I’m bout to transplant also set them against my back wall with 4x4 spot to themselves.


Looking really nice @jj520 ! I have been contemplating getting some SCROG nets for my 8x4. Do you LST your plants before installing the net?

Is it less work than LST with individual branches?


Doing a scrog is a little more hands on than just last. U have to tuck and weave branches and try and set bud sites in spots where they will have room to grow as an even canopy scrogs r fun as hell to do if u have time to play with the plants. Also on a scrog after so long everything under the net gets stripped off and let just focus on the top of the net and nothing more. Super fun takes some time to fill a scrog with 1 plant tho but it’s totally doable.


Well right now I have plenty of time to mess with plants. I spent a lot of time LSTing those 2 plants I have growing now. Maybe I will try a SCROG grow next run.


A scrog would be fun to do if u have hands on time. I’m gonna attempt it. U can make a scrog net any size u want with some 3/4 PVC pipe and corners. Use screws set to the size holes u want and string it up. U can cut the string each grow to make easier to remove from a rog and use new string for next run. Easy to clean up and all.


I just love growing scrog I mean how can you not open the tent and BAM a field of buds so satisfying it is a lot of work tho but worth it I was going to go without but i just couldn’t i had to put the net up not going to fill it out all the way just some nice bud


For novice growers it might be interesting to not trellis, nor top your plants or any other type of stress training, just to get an idea of your plants’ natural characteristics.
Or if you’re growing new cultivars that you’re not familiar with.
There are a lot of growers on here that just grow for personal use and never scrog, because they’re growing different strains all the time and yield more than enough anyway. Saves you the hell that harvesting with a scrogg is too…
Scrogging is good if you’re really dialing down a perpetual grow and try to yield as much as possible for $$$ purposes or if you are very limited in space and want to get the absolute most out of it.


For me I’m just growing for a personal stash for my sister and I but I still want to get as much yield as possible. If I’m investing thousands in equipment and supplies I want to see as much return as possible. I am willing to put in the effort for killer buds. :star_struck:


Sure sure, just interesting to see how a plant grows naturally.
Your sister is a lucky one!


It’s a win-win situation here. She’s allowing me to grow in her basement and pays for the utilities and in return I am splitting the harvest 50/50 with her.