Chase Blue kai farms

Nice shit. Tag me when u blast. I’m def interested in that part. Lol


Looking good in here


@Slym3r thanks appreciate you stopping by and checking them out


Got the purge pump and pot in yesterday filled the column up with two and a half ounces of some runtz
lightly packed the column was put in the freezer last night it is down to 11° this morning hopefully it will get a little colder before I pull it out of the deep freeze to try out a blast once pulled out of the deep freeze I will put a vacuum on it to put the column under vacuum then I will put in however much it takes to equalize the pressure in the column so it can take no more then I will let it sit for 5 minutes then I will open and let it blast once the blast is slowing I will add more butane until it comes out clear then I will give it a warm water bath to off gas in the Pyrex dish while working at around a little then I will put it in the vacuum chamber on the heating device for a while checking periodically I will use a coffee filter on top of the screen to help catch some of the fats and lipids I will post pictures of the process as I go


How big is the cauldron bowl in that. When it vacs out I know it’s gonna expand and bubble a lot I’m excited for u. So u filled the column with buds and butane then froze it ?? I’ve never done it this way I’m super excited to know the whole process. How much was the column and pump stuff. Did u get a 10 gallon tank of butane to recover or is this just like open blast evap and vac the rest out. I want one I can recover the butane back in canister and keep going like covergrower has. His setup is bad ass but my wife said u less I am gonna open a small business she forbids me to spend that much to extract bud when I hàve a press that does about the same. She don’t get it’s not the same at all heat press vs cold extraction is way different in tastes and I know she sees that when I do open blast with weed we usually press. Cleaner look cleaner taste smoother and all.


It an 18-in column 90-130 grams it’s a closed system but I don’t have the recovery part I’ll just open blast all in it’s about 350 ish but I had my hot plate deal ill just use cans a closed loop system with the recovery is like 13 to 1600 way too much :joy::rofl:
Here’s my prosses




Is that fully vac out and ready for smoke now. Looks yummy. How much in vs out now on that particular strain. U can prolly do 2 or 3 purges


Yeah it’s fully vacked it could always vac a lot longer from what I read to make it better and should be ready it was roughly two and a half ounces in and I got 12 g back once I filled the chamber I gave it a 5-minute soak after I was done I pulled out the material and looked at it under the microscope there was no more tri comes on it the material was like a year old getting ready to try it


Awesome man. I need one but I have to figure a way to put cash away and do a pr1 deal sneak it in as I borrowed it or something.


Yep there you go I’m going to try a different heat mat next time that way I can control the off-gassing temps a little better so I can get it a little more of a crumble batter consistency instead of hard shatter it tastes good though Burns a lot cleaner than it does out of the press I imagine do you waxing chamber style is very clean but then you’ve got to buy the dry ice and all that s*** and that style column is even more pricey


Yeah covert got a bad ass setup recovers the butane and puts it back in the bottle and all. Xcost him like 2 grand or better tho. I only make dabs for myself is one reason why my wife says no besides the fact of I have half a house worth of grow shit lol. Not much .ore room for anything else here now. Lol. I can’t wait. Kinda close to gran y and cramps like right next door close. But we may have a nice house coming up shortly from their neighbor who is about to go into nursing home wife’s dad is on it for us as he will get us a solid deal from her. She has basically no one a brother and he may have even died by now I don’t know been away from there too long to know now. Lol. Super nice house tho just recently got roof and sides and new furnace and hw heater was all replaced last year maybe the year before hoping to find out soon. He is pushing for it for us.


That would be sweet best of luck you deserve it


I think I dolol. Wife says I do well we do. But with my luck it’ll go to someone else fingers crossed tho we can make a deal with her.


Gave this lady the chop


Really was a beautiful plant @jj520, let us know of the final weight when you have it please.


Wow! That’s really a nice looking plant! Beefy buds :melting_face:


Nice what u think an average guess on thats gonna be. Looks super good.


I think just about a pound when dried
my best is 1.5 #'s dried/cured in the 3x3
Thanks for stopping fellas :v:t2:


Nice. My best off one plant was around 23oz plus the lardy shit i didnt weigh. First s rog did me the best. Ut i ha ent ran a scrog since.