Chase Blue kai farms

That’ll be very cool to see comparison I’ve never grown organic I’ve grown soil but with salts,well my first grow was with fox farms nutrients to much work chasing numbers :joy::rofl:
@sdoyle thanks for checking them out yea they ain’t bad😉


Made a custom drain pan for the 2x3 tent cut it out of a 40 gallon Craftsman tote cut the top down also to fit so I could use it as an extra bottom for a little reinforcement to put a little slope on the drain table 34 bucks sure beats $200 close to $300 with shipping :sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sweet , and you can fit two set ups like that in a 4 x 4, and make it very clean. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Nice for the slope use like a 2x4 at the top and a 5 quarter board or deck board about mid way for support there or if not that tall use deck for top and quarter inch piece mid way. Nice pan tho.


Thanks Definitely you can get some big totes for way cheaper than a flood table tray there’s just no way I was going to pay that for a store-bought one last time I got one they were like 89 bucks and we had a grower’s house here in town where I could just go in and pick it up now The growers house closed except for will call you can order s*** online and pick it up there when it’s in


It’s only a 3x2 tent they’re pretty short so I’ll just go like 3/8 on the back side and right side and a piece of something a little less in the middle don’t want to lose much headroom I already put the tent up on a pallet so I can get the drain line underneath it and painted the pallet black so you can’t notice it I reworked the palette so it’s just a little bit bigger than the tent


Sux. We have grow shops all over around where i live. I mean i bet there is 45 in a 30 mile circle of my house. Lol. Hell we have 2 rwc shops like 8 bldgs apart on the same rd here also lol its crazy asf. I see lots of grow opps shutting down and selling off their lights on marketplace more and more also.


@Mark0427 We used to have quite a few of them but they’ve all closed except for I think two but they’re very small they don’t carry anything like flood trays one of them is just basically a kind of a hydro store and funky plant store it’s called Eco grow and weird plants it’s got more weird plants than anything else although they do have a few lights and they’ve got some sweet setups where they have fish ponds with gardens growing on top of them that suck the water up out of the pond and through the garden


My son-in-law has one of those. I think it’s called aquaponics he’s got some big old fat koy in it. Grows vegetables in it.


@happilyretired yep that’s what they had seems pretty cool would be a nice project to play with for sure


Yeah htg aroung here has thsoe setups also. The coi fish feed the plants its a revolving circle of life in the tank


Charlotte’s yesterdream was getting way too tall for the small tent had to put in the net to control her I think it looks better already with the net in there I just love growing scrog that’s my style and comfort zone :sunglasses:

And we got the
monkey slaps
Lady Kush
underneath in the little blue container they will go into the 3X3 shortly once they get up potted then before those flip I will take clones to fill the 4x4 I’m digging doing seeds in the 3X3 and then clones for the 4x4


Nice man. Soon for me to start more seeds but i might wait til after i spray the plants so i dont mess up anythong in future on accident and not knoq it.


A little peek at the
end game x Grandpa’s clones
They’re definitely getting close

And the monkey slaps and Lady Kush monkey slaps is the little taller one she’s been fimd at the 6th node will remove the first node lady Kush is a little behind she was growing the wrong direction had to dig in and get her corrected so she’s a few days behind there looking good they’re under the hlg 260xl with UVA added


Very nice @jj520, very nice indeed!


Frosty. Looking good man. Cant wait to see this again in my room. Just put the cic clones from pr in the room 2 days ago others been on flip for like 9 or 10 days now just kinds showing signs


Thanks for stopping in yeah I’m liking these they’re looking pretty good everything seems to grow better in the 4x4 I grew the same strain in the 3X3 and it was nice but not as nice as these they’ve got the same lighting one’s just a scorpion Diablo there’s a 650r Diablo in the other I don’t get it


I have Grandpas Stash R2 and Cherry Gar-see-ya from Ethos that Id like to run this summer.


It’s a nice strain it’s kind of a cherry gassy smell @sdoyle


Space more breathing for the plant 2nd run u knew better what to do or not to do. Lol