Chase Blue kai farms

Got some regs in from @Mark0427 thanks again much appreciated :+1:t2:

Picked up some 1gal bags will start growing out some regs in a bit see whats what


Im intrested to know thw slurricane x teufez. I had the g33 x teufflez had a real nice taste to it. Good buzz. Still jad a fruity hint to it tho not bad bad but a lil fruity.


I’m really interested in that garlic butter x white truffles x truffles traded some buds a couple weeks back to calizona he gave me some garlic triangle mints it was some good smoke had a little bit of a danky skunk smell


Yes ive had a couple garlic crosses that qere more like.skunky taste to them. Wife always stirs clear of them as she dont like the skunk smells really but i love it. Lol. Wife is into the fruity stuff kinda. She really digs purple punch carts and live resins. I have some pp seeds i should drop and let her play woth them plants.


Got the UVB put in will start with 3-10 min blasts mid run and build up depending on what she likes,
Charlottes yesterdream

And an interesting leaf on
monkey slaps


Got a nice little package in from a fellow growmie
much appreciated


Charlotte’s yesterdream/@repins12 genetics such a beautiful plant never new a auto could be so nice

Monkey slaps /@PreyBird1
Lady kush/elev8
Slaps is killin it lady k slowly coming on
It’s going to be mostly slaps as you can see but I really want to taste this lady k


Nice. I always struggle with autos for some reasoning. Whether i over feed or too much light something as they r always on the fluffy side. Ive had firmest were like foamy feeling but good smoke if that makes sense it wasnt hard but softer and firm like foam. My photos i mostly need a grinder to grind it up or it has harder chunks they r so firm


Looking good my man! Autos and me dont get along. Im not a fan…I like that i can reveg a photo period. Like this little girl.

Shes got roots so its a matter of time now!


Thanks @PreyBird1 this is the first for me but it’s some of @repins12 stock so I was very interested this strain was tested by somebody else on another forum at 29% there’s a guy on another forum that only grows autos he said he’s seen one of his buddies harvest revege and regrow an auto said he saw it happen three times on the same plant said he wouldn’t have believed it but saw it happen and he’s a very reputable guy


@PreyBird1 Just dropped some of your runtz some 91 octane and some truffle monkey from exotics and some Yeezy OG from lit farms


Nice its been a minute since i grew it. I have been mixing lots of newer and older classic strains. And sampling the crosses and theres some really good strains! I have 6 girls ready to flip.


little update tents getting full monkey slaps is taking up most of it here’s a couple pics and the highlighted yellow area is Lady Kush the rest slaps @PreyBird1

And the two exotics broke ground
91 octane and truffle monkey


I see you have some good stuff going on here :+1:


Thanks for checking it out


Well there getting Big. Ive got 3 monkeys slapz i just moved to the flowering tent. I already have the clones off each strain rooted and growing in pots now. And im going to take 4 more clones off my mothers for the hydro system and get that shit running.


Nice I’d like to give hydro a go sometime but I need to get a chiller for rez im very impressed with slaps she’s huge and I’ve been trying to slow her down by not really defoliating to much @PreyBird1


I tried the bubble buckets that black magic has. Works good.but like said i needed a chiller to keep twmps lower. I always stayed in the mid to upper 70s and i believe stunted the growth never had bad looking roots just slow growth and smaller buds and i believe it was vecause the warmer water cuz days i would add frozen coke bottles in the rez the plants would perk up alot til the rez warmed up again. I did however have the circulation pu.p on a steady run for most of the grow and then kinda anped it down to half hour on 15 min off it seemed to help but i got sick of daily adding frozen coke bottles to keep the rez cooler.


All 4 came up


Awesome bews. Tonights firat night of 12 12 for the sprayed gals soent forever cleaning the 2x2 as its been empty all winter with my elephant ear bulbs sitting in the tent in a box so they didnt freeze.