Chase Blue kai farms

Well smell is im mot certain really right now. The taste is a little like chocolatey to me but spocy chocolate if it makes sense. My taste and smell is shot tho since my first covid outburst. It was a bad one on me.


Got a cannatrol ordered :tada::boom::partying_face: very stoked got an extra set of shelves and extra sponge and cup as well with the canna leaf tent
Thanks for the coupon growmie :wink:


Dude send it to me and say it never showed and get a second for free. Lol. We will then split the cost and ill mail u jalf the cost. Lmao. Lets get over on the big guy for a change here. Or try. Lmao. Im a lil upset with the bud structures on these mid snk plants. After this run of making pollen im gonna break it all down clean everything reroute my exhaust to go strait out the roof thru a stack not into crawl space. Im wondering if thats why my rh in home is always so high jere maybe pushing more out thru crawl space faster than it will vent thru the vent system gonna do a change tho for sure


Oh most definitely if it’s going into the crawl space it would definitely be building up I mean you figure you’re pushing 60 to 70% humidity out during midflower so all that will be accumulating wherever it’s being pushed I ran a 6-in vent out the side of the house but I’m rural and have a half acre fenced back area that nobody can get around the vent and tied all of my tents into that same outlet via HVAC splitter box works great the 2x3 actually has suction coming through the splitter lines so it vents itself but I do have an extra vent fan on there just in case


The whole overhang of the house plus a few cans on the roof to vent i figured should have been enough to keep a goof flow and not build up. I got a furnace stack i can add to the roof right above where the fan is sonits 1 90 up and right out the stack. Ill find a damper or sum same size that will close as it goes off and open upon air going thru out.


Monkey slaps

Lady Kush

And 4 fem photos/2 autos


Nice scrog work bro


@Enlightened420 thanks appreciate you stopping in :+1:t2:


The youngins
91 octane, truffle monkey/exotics
Runtz /@PreyBird1
Yeezy/lit farms

And the two autos
Double grape/mephisto

Monkey slaps

Monkey slaps and Lady Kush you can see Lady Kush coming on in the corner there


Nice. About another week or so on my 2 cic that r flowering then im gonna remod my room some and get exhaust doing something better and see if it helps my rh issues during summer.


Got them uppoted 3gal for the photos
1gal for the autos


Finally go it :boom::100:

Some Charlotte’s yesterdream curing


Hell yeah bro! Enjoy @jj520
Yesterdream mmm that will be tasty AF after being cured to perfection :ok_hand:
Amazingly enough I can buy one of those in Oz, but I would have sell my first born child… Meh sacrifices must be made


Yesterdream i grew hd a dank taste to it but i only ended up with 3 joints from it. Grew one more plant after that cuz i liked the yaste only smoked one or 2 jointa and my mom liked it so i gave her the rest to take back to ny with her. She walked away that tume with like 31 oz of bud from me. Lol still has some of it at home and just picked up 15 more oz saturday from me. Lol


Welcome to the club Brother! Thats a fantastic machine there. I started smoking the weed from it and not from jars now. I love my small one. I wish i could have a whole room cannatrol


Yeah like 30k for one. I was checking them out also. Want one bigger than whatvu guys jave but whatvi see is room sized and these pnes. I want one like the size of a refrigerator or stand up freezer would be like perfect for storing and dry curing it all. Lol


Ok im done on this forum. Cant make comments on shit because everything is archived its bullshit. I dont care if its new or old if i have a question im fucked on asking because everything is archived. I wont be here much anymore as i cant stand seeing everything archived. Like fucking every thread why keepnit erase the shit instead then i dont read and have questions. Ill be on ilgm and ig if anyone needs me. Atleast they dont archive every thread because the dates on shit. Ppls still have questions to ask years down the road and cant. @chrisj. Is this supposed to be like this because no other forum is like this dont matyer age of post or not. Prolly why most ppl r gone from here now i dont get it


Hi @Mark0427

I am sorry for your frustration. We have always had a policy of archiving old topics, but I see what you mean when it comes to interesting topics. I have been meaning to chat with the @moderators to only archive topics if they dont have much information. Please know that there are thousands of topics on here, and we have an installed bot that boosts them to the top and were always told to archive them. So take it from here, we wont be archiving in the future. I ask you not to leave and enjoy our growing/developing community.


@chrisj I would have to agree with Mark seems like most things are archived around here and how can you learn from an archived topic that you can’t get into or ask questions how’s a new grower supposed to learn when everything has been archived and shut down I’ve been noticing a lot more lately than when I first joined


Thanks that would be sweet I’d like a closet sized one
Looks pretty simple in design a couple fans and a peletier for heat management could probably make one with a couple pelleters a couple fans and a refrigerator with their internals and sensors put in the refrigerator just upsize the fans a touch and add a little bigger Pelletier plus one extra