Chase Blue kai farms

Thanks Yeah they’re nice but I’ve got a whole s*** ton of this wire and I don’t train for too long and for me it’s just easier to put a little hook on each end of the piece of wire when it starts growing up words I just move it further out on the branch to keep them more horizontal then vertical I always grow in a scrog


Yeah I’ve got a lot of wire too but a buddy gave me those orange plastic training clips and the nice thing about those is you only have to buy them once they never wear out


There’s another guy that 3D prints stuff he makes some clips and little shelves you can clip on your poles but he makes his clips fully adjustable so you can pretty much bend the branch to a almost 180°. It’s printed with little cog/sprockets in it so it’s adjustable


I would like to see that, sounds like it has a few different parts.

And like my friend Elon Musk says “the best part is no part.”

Shoot me a photo of it I’d love to see it


Don’t forget them on the plant too long or the plant stems grow and bust the clips. Lol. I had some pretty thick 3d printed ones I didn’t see one clip and man it shattered the clip and it was a 100% infill on the clips when I printed them so solids as it could get


@CoyoteCody does the clips and stuff. He has an Etsy site and somewhere else. I’m sure he will ring in now he is tagged.


He’s the one that makes those adjustable clips not sure if he still does on Etsy he was on eBay


They sure are loving the light. They are filling out beautifully. :moneybag:


Damn that sucks. My wife’s horrible with money. If she had anything to do with it we’d be bankrupt. Shes already had 3! I make all the money, I bought the house, i repair and maintain it. Hell i dont really need a wife. But she does a lot of grow related stuff for me now finally! Lol jk. I pay her very well though and shes really into defoliation! I dont have the time i want to devote to my grow. I have to work so much im only home for 3.5hrs before bedtime so not a lot of time for things. On my day off i get as much done as i can remember to do! I wont eat or anything if i got a big job to do! I just go until its done!


I know that feeling, work work work. I get the same way especially if I’m really into a project, food drink. Nope just keep going till it’s done. Been a few times they have taken me past bedtime and just been like f-it. I’ll eat and drink tomorrow :joy::rofl:


Mail call got some regs, Darwin’s choice from a growmie

A few from another growmie

Had to get in on a holiday deal

Open pak we’re freebies had to open to see


I’m interested in the Darwin’s Choice. I know there are a few Around. I would ask for some, but I have so many to choose from as of now. Any idea when you will start some?


@Dforce No idea when I’ll run them ther from FOD at the other spot I’ll send you one of my packs I think there like 20 in each I’ll send some of the Taho18 fems to :v:t2:


Ya I knew they are FODs. They look like they could turn out to be something good. Your Tahoe is also very pretty. But I have so many to choose from now lol. But as @repins12 says, can’t have to many strains. :thinking::laughing:


Nice. I grabbed a gram of sugar from the dispo and man it’s super super good taste to it. Wife wants me find blackberry kush seeds now. I have blackberry moon rocks but kush is prolly gonna be a whole new taste from moon rocks mix. Lol

Nice line up. Good ole Darwin’s choice is about 80 seeds reg. Did me the same way lol. Can’t wait to try my strain out on making seeds. Got some cuts coming from pr1 also so gonna work on the cherry ice cream seeds very first tho and hope and prey for success. Lol


CiC cuts will be awesome, he didn’t have enough cuts this time around, so maybe in the spring he will be able to send a couple my way. As you know @Mark0427 Michigan can get pretty cold in January. He was going to send some then, but we didn’t want to chance a freeze. Great luck to you when you receive. :+1:


If I get them and get them rooted I’ll fly u a couple cuts u were up towards gran blanc area or something correct?? I’ll keep in touch with u. He said he was sending me sometime this week I believe maybe we could just meet at a spot and give them to u by hand and have no issues. If we do something like this how do u feel on trying to make fem seeds with a cut or 2. I’m gonna try also but had several trying with no luck. Cuts r running dry and would like to keep hellraisers cut alive. Lol. If so when I do the cuts I’ll send some powders ur way to make sts spray I should have enough to give u some and me still be able to do some sprays also. Let me know and I’ll keep shit on the side for u to have for the time when it comes. I’ll send both crystals and some syringes for each part u’ll see if u don’t know when mixed it makes 2 concentrates so I’ll send 3 syringes one for each part and one for the mixed finish spray Incase u do smaller bottles.


Im actually in Yale. Work in Macomb, 23 Mile and Romeo plank area. As for making fem seeds, I have never tried that but could try.


I saw a picture he sent me this morning of those two cic mother plants they’re freaking huge little bushes he may have enough


Hit me up with your adi on the other side in a PM I’ll send you some of those Tahoe 18s if you’re interested