Grow of ayahuaska purple

That sounds like a great effect! Thanks!


It looks delicious :drooling_face:


I mean i don’t know how to describe it lol. It sits you down but it doesn’t seem like it knocked me out cause even if it wanted to i like it enough i would stay awake lol but i mean yeah not just me anyone i gave any to said the same man thats good weed right there lol. Little joints man probably a half gram or less. No matter how good weed is i usually roll gram size and smoked several times and with this i can smoke a half gram joint 4 plus times so lol its really good and very dank smell,so tasty like candy fruity smells likely with gas or diesel.

Now i know you just finished well,its been a bit now but your blueberry came from a reputable company, mine however is in question but it smells killer like lemon pine tree and diesel. I just hope my buds thicken up more but i have a feeling due to the herm they suffered more because the ayahuasca really didn’t much at all if any.


It is man or was last time a couple years almost 3 now. I took a 2 plus years break from growing and i don’t have a lot of experience but it turns out pretty good i was disappointed last glookies harvest i vegged 10 weeks flowered 68 days only 11 ounces between 2 plants weren’t too big and made a lot of mistakes trying to hard with that big 1000 watt for my first grow with it i thought ill just pour power to them no meter i have a lux meter now i think it helped a lot but some say they think i still gave too much power i don’t but i had other mistakes of course that i definitely know ill try again harder every time lol. Its not bothering me or hurting me to do my best lol. I love it!


Blueberry and Orange Crush are my favorite strains for pain relief and insomnia. I like the effects from Granddaddy purp, however I struggle with the taste, it tastes like a overwhelming potent fresh ground black pepper.


Lol. Now a little bit back i was getting a black pepper smell actually. I don’t know about tastes or effects of either yet. I Did smoke a few joints of both but mixed and only 5 weeks when i first found a herm and trimmed. It was actually pretty strong then but as said mixed and young. I am hoping i like the blueberry like you do but i don’t know about your blueberry. My phenos look to produce huge buds if done right no herms other crap but a longer flower than i originally thought, a high leaf to calyx ratio i don’t care for either.
In the past i didn’t like bb og either was not really potent imo cut probably 2 weeks early and ayahuasca probably could have went a week but i had reasons. The og was beautiful stinky and a big yielder everything good except potency. Blueberry crossed with og kush. It didn’t have as much of a ratio problem with high leaf to calyx though


@nacho151 what did you tell me you go by on moisture meter as far as percentage? I have 1 trying it with grove bags and grove bags say 10 to 12 % then into the bags.
What do you do? Thanks again my friend.


I have never used grove bags, so my view would do what they recommend. But for my Cvaults I usually wait until I get a reading down to around 18, the lowest I have brought mine down to was 16 and it seemed like it took forever to get them back to close to 62% using Boveda Packets.


Ok thanks my friend i will heed what you say.


I bought a bunch of 1 gallon Grove Bags too and I was planning on following their tutorials on their website. Now I am looking at a Cure Puck and wondering if it’s necessary or worth the $600.

I’ve never cured before and I want to get it right the first time.


Don’t get confused between drying and curing. Curing starts when you cut the plant down. Drying usually stops 7 to 10 days after chop and then continues curing. get a few grows under your belt before you spend $600 on something to cure. How long it takes to dry your plant varies considerably. If you dry a whole plant or very large branches, it takes longer. If you just do buds it’s much faster. It also depends on your location and climate control where you’re drying. Grove bags save you from having to burp jars buckets what have you when curing once your moisture is stabilized. Once your moisture is stabilized to where you want it, there’s no need to put moisture packs in Grove bags or in jars. You can use them to achieve a stable moisture if you choose, but it’s not necessary to leave them in there.
I’ve done a fair bit, and I started with nothing so take my word for it, start out simple. :+1:t3::v:t3:

I have done a bit.


As well as you have done your first grow i will say its possible good first time but don’t hurt too much if its not its practice and learning just like anything. So far i have did ok never perfect but then again i didn’t have things i have now and never listened to and did recommended steps completely just my best.
This will be a first for me this way i hope it turns out good.


Also personally i wouldn’t spend so much my first time i wouldn’t spend near so much now with a combined only 5 indoor harvest only and several outside.


I agree with all of what your saying. Also beautiful pictures


But also i want hurt too too much definitely not going to be perfect i already know but i have good feelings.


Im guessing you still grow indoors and outdoors? I haven’t grown anything outdoors in over 15 years probably.


So i decided i want to test a couple little nugs of the ayahuasca purple. I probably have a couple joints dry. Im going to quick dry this but of course the slow process cure the harvest no later than Thursday but its ready now so as soon asi set my room up and my 2x4 drying tent anytime after that.
Anyway these nugs even though they are smaller from weaker branches look fuckin amazing look at the frost its like its covered in snow.

Ill let you guys know how it is even though i hate a quick dry i want to try it while i don’t have to worry about drug test a while plus its mature though i understand after completely curing and drying its gonna be way better


Yes. I’m getting ready to start an indoor here very soon. I’m almost mobile enough to get going on it. I just had a hip replaced. Three weeks ago. Is why I haven’t had anything started yet. So I’ll be picking out what I’m gonna grow here pretty quick and get some seeds started. Another three weeks and I should be in good enough shape to get things going. So if I germinate seeds in about a week in three weeks, I should have them ready to put in the pots. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


That sounds great man. And I’m glad that you are healing up. And I will pray for you to heal as quickly as possible. But I hate to hear that you had to have it done. But now maybe things will be better for you. @happilyretired


Hey i didn’t quick dry the entire well any of the bigger nugget except a very small piece to go with the other 2 smaller pieces. First i looed really good with my loupe and it was so beautiful im having fun harvesting using trichomes i never have and theres no telling how much i have cut soon especially when i grew outside. But i still think probably Thursday i am continuing a good eye on the 3. I also looked at some of the smallest little buds still definitely worth keeping and they still definitely are not ready yet so im really thinking about a staggered harvest just cutting all the tops and check the rest a little better and let them probably go a bit longer with the blueberry. I don’t know if they will get any bigger it would be very nice but definitely more mature so it will be worth it. I re organized my entire bedroom that is only 11x11 or 121 square feet the 2 tents take 24 square feet plus the area probably another 20 square feet for areas i put heaters fans,humidifier whatever plus tools i use to garden and fertilizer and etc. So 44 out of 121 so i live the rest at 75 square feet but the way i have everything set up plus i took my king size bed out and replaced it with a twin which is fine until i move and get a new bed whatever size i want and it gave me an extra 22 square feet of space i was able to arrange things a lot more comfortably and now i also can get around a whole lot better.

Also now i have a lot of new possibilities running through my head about the 7 months i have left here. Im really thinking about buying a 300 plus watt led and a 600 plus led but i would really like to get some medic gro lights i been wanting them a while now and very descent with a great price and then i just have to get a couple more fans and of course seeds,pots,soil,fertilizer, perlite, you know all the regular things but i would have to plan on spending around 8 or 900 $.
We’ll see. If i do im thinking about either running both tents at once 2 times in a row or stsrt a crop in the 4x4 then 8 or 9 weeks in flower and start some in the 2x4 grow them 8 or 9 weeks until the 4x4 is ready and pull the plants from the 2x4 in there a perpetual. If i started a perpetual i would get probably 3 crops.

Im just excited rambling and thinking about possibilities but right now im only using the 2x4 with a 4 inch Carbon filter system for drying and 1 6 inch oscillating pole fan. A wood moisture meter then trim and into grove bags while the blueberry finishes.