Here I grow again


Very interesting sounding genetics! Can’t wait to see how it goes!


Yeah, that should be interesting. By the looks of the seed producer, they do a lot of Landress stuff.

New subject


Predator or prey?


It looks like a Mexican Mealybug to me. They like to feed on leaves and roots.


Yeah, it’s definitely a mealy bug. I don’t think it’s coming from the ground. Too much DE. I only saw one on all of my plants. I read up on them in my IPM should keep them at bay. Thank you. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Glad you went with the KISS philosophy this grow, nothing to special, keep it small and simple… LMAO I got 1 dang plant growing. The truth is my boy isn’t too dumb to it no longer and the wife says I gotta tone it down. BUT she smokes in the garage everyday after work & again after dinner for an hour and that’s okay right? LoL next weekend is 2 months with no cigs… it’s a done deal man. I’m not a smoker no longer and I run my first 5k for Halloween to boot.


Been a minute since I updated, so I better get something going here. :+1:t3::v:t3:

Cherry Garcia.

White wedding cake.

Skunk hero

Hi note, Seeds dropped in planter June 1 or thereabouts. That’s a 7 foot fence behind the plant. :+1:t3:

Punch and pie

Family jewels. This one’s surprising me that’s a good thing.

Raspberry parfait.


Beautiful trees flowering strong @happilyretired!


How’s the Cherry Garcia smelling?


I haven’t stuck my nose on it yet. I usually don’t start checking how they smell until I can smell them out the front of the house in the street. Probably another three weeks or so. there is a nice Potpourri back of the house though,:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:



Hey man, what’s happening? You’ve been missed. I saw you posted another journal about two hours ago. I’d love to no what you been up to. You’ve been feeling good? How’s the job? got any current pictures of what’s been going on? :v:t3::v:t3::+1:t3:


:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Next year we are going into the ground instead of 10 gallon pots , I can’t wait!! This is SERIOUSLY IMPRESSIVE I love the look to each one of these great job my man!! :face_in_clouds::face_in_clouds::rofl::joy:


I second this!! @sssportsmfg!


I saw @sssportsmfg post that he is unable to reply for reasons unknown and is asking admins to step in for help. @happilyretired and @HostileHippie420


Press the caps lock button Sport… LMAO :joy:
Or Maybe cntl+alt+delete!! It has been a long minute Sport I was worried the Covid long hauler did you in big dog. Very nice to see you see us… even though we can’t see you seeing us see you! - THAT’S OK!! Super stoked your still alive! :joy:


Here’s a testimonial for you guys.
I’ve been battling aphids on my skunk hero for weeks.
I’ve been using pure crop PC1 as a preventative throughout this grow. I’ve been using it as a preventative and then when I have a problem, I have been adding BT/captain Jacks. It took care of my Mite problem on one plant (Captain Jacks/PC1) that combination also took out the infestation of Aphids on one Plant. on my skunk hero they have been very persistent. Usually doing the combination treatment two times three days apart takes care of any infestation that starts. It hasn’t been working on this particular plant. so after reading the bottle again(it’s been a minute since I looked at the label) The suggestion was to use it three days in a row and then go back to once a week. Two days ago I hit it with PC1/Captain jacks, yesterday I hit it with just PC1. I went out this morning to do the third day in a row with PC1, The tops of the leaves on the plant were covered with dead aphids that fell off the bottom of the leaves above. I treated the plant for the third time with PC1. so I think we’ll know in a couple of days how well this works but my first impression is excellent. I snapped this picture after I fog this plant heavily. So you can’t see very many dead aphids because they all blew off. But I think you can get the idea from this picture. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:



Hi note

Skunk hero

Punch and pie

Family jewels

Raspberry parfait

Cherry Garcia

What wedding cake


Hey girl where you been. Anything going on?


Here you go.

Three days ago, I walked out to the garden and this white wedding cake plant had two branches one at the very bottom, and one up out of the third node that looked just like this whole plant does now. I looked it over no bugs. I checked the outside of my fence all the way around my yard and no sign of gophers anywhere. Check the inside of the yard real well probed around the garden boxes nothing. There’s no question this is a root issue. what that issue is I have no idea. The only time I’ve ever seen any kind of plant go like this it’s usually because the roots were removed just below the surface Buy a gopher. There’s hardware wire at the bottom these boxes. It looks like I’ll be looking at the roots of this plant pretty quick. Meanwhile the rest of it’s going to go in to the compost. :man_shrugging: :v:t3:


Not liking that, but hopefully you find what caused it. Bummer for sure.