Here I grow again

Wait one second… hold the effin plant production!!! The grandson that stole from you? I know you got more then one and it’s got to be atleast a year maybe 2 so your going to tell us he has straightened up since jail scare? Tell me a wrong! Please. How many ounces you “LOST” … funny thing when the kids vist around harvest season… lol


i know! sure turned his shit around for sure. he is so into growing but man did he get some BAD advice. i almost got my heart broken when i saw he tied down my biggest plant. i hate that shit! kap got me to super crop and i am pretty good at topping but thats as far i go! dont hurt my babies lol


Yeah even my Google lens brings up guava root knot nematodes. Says one of the worst knot benos around came from Louisiana or so it looked as I was reading a bit. From reading it’s a pain in the arse to rid of. But there is ways of making it happen. Lol. If I get that post again I’ll share it to u Incase it has something worth while for u to try. I have 3 clones doing about the same thing right now and due to transplant. Making me wanna scope them roots out now too cuz no matter what I do they limp right back over. Other plants in room r doing great just these 3 r an issue. bad is in Louisiana now and came from n Carolina now I think about it. Lol. Came in sweet potatoes I believe


What the fruck are you talking about…lol
It’s prolly me, y’all know I don’t read everything especially them long ass posts. BUT - back to the grandkid… IF YOU SAY SO! lol sorry Trich he isn’t my grandson but if you say so I got ya! May the force be strong with this one!


The way things are, I’m not gonna be starting any Seeds until March sometime. But I do have relatively good news. The boats getting close. The vision from my mind is coming to reality. Soon will be Ready for the unveiling. It is wrapped and looking pretty good and I think you’re gonna really like it once the decking gets finished and is installed which will complete the project.

Here is the design that I came up with. you won’t believe the transition.:wink::grin:


I’m excited for you Sir. :sunglasses: Can’t wait to see it complete. :speedboat::speedboat: :grin:


Pfff. Wth! Just caught up and I feel sorry for you man…that sucks big time.

On the positive side of things…congrats on completing the boat Hap! That’s really exciting! Got a mean looking machine right there, must be super fun on the water! Love the design btw :rofl:


Thank you. I’ve had it on a few test runs, so it runs good. Just waiting on a few more things it’ll be completely finished. My hand rendering of what it will look like doesn’t do the finished wrap justice. I really don’t want to put any pictures up until it’s complete. It’s that cool. :wink::+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


I bet it doesn’t! But love the idea. We ca wait a bit longer… A BIT :sweat_smile: Damn curious!


I think that’s awesome, the suspense. :+1::speedboat::v:


Pot farmer extraordinaire!!!
Artist… Not so much!! LMAO
I can’t draw a straight line or a circle… so there’s that! Hee hee


Yeah, I never said I was a great artist. But I did have the inspiration for this!!

The artwork on this project was 100% inspired by a large quantities of cannabis!… Obviously!!:joy::+1:t3:

It’s taking me a little over a year, but I’m finally almost done. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


I like it !!! That’s a sweet little boat. One of these days I’m gonna have one of those little jet boats. :+1::+1::v:


Holy cow that looks good


Thank you. If you were closer we’d have a blast. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Well Golleeeeee G whiz old man Happy! That is pretty nifty for a partially blind, bad hip’d, deaf in one ear, flat footed Lurch-like Californian, pot headed hippie! LMFAO
That is pretty friggen epic… not a whole lot of room for scuba gear I’d say … :grin:

2nd edition thoughts - that is really something else Hap sincerely. I had a life time on boats commercial fishing and diving and now think they’re nothing but holes in the water BUT that looks like A LOT of fun man. Very very cool. You can now officially add shipbuilder to your resume.


Maybe not shipbuilder, but maybe boat builder. That’s one step up from a boat rebuilder. :joy::joy::v:t3:


Nice work my man! :flushed::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Heeeeell Yeah! What a fuckin work of art! Helluva good job you did building that JetstreamMeanMachine mate! :motor_boat: :boom: :facepunch:


Mr Money Monkey… That name sounds familiar? LoL still living th@t High life I’m sure big balla! Nice to bump into you around these parts. How’s life on your side of this ball of dirt. Hope all is well big growmie!