Here I grow again

I hear ya tossed 3# a month ago😉


Looks like they are on track for the perfect size plants. I did the same. Keep them smaller.


Yeah, I’m pretty happy with the progress. I have one that’s a bit small, but it hasn’t even shown signs of starting to Flower. Most of the other ones are starting their stretch looks like. :+1:t3:


Looking great as always Hap…:+1::+1:


9 days later


Gorilla fume

Monkey slaps

Maui Wowie

Blueberry muffins

Mandarin cookies, haze


looking good Hap! How do you like those planters?


If the question is about the raised beds, so far, I like them they’re working out good.
How have you been? Everything been going good for you? :+1:t3::v:t3:


Im talking about those black roll up planters with the knobs and holes.
Im ding great, thanks for asking,


I believe they are called AirPots, I bought them five or six years. I started using them indoor, but they dried out too fast for me. They require too much attention so I switch to bags but they work great for outdoor the way I use them. :+1:t3::v:t3:


I used them inside this last grow, was,'nt impressed. Looks like you have them in a tub in a raised bed, is that correct?


We get the occasional Gopher or vole. so I take a very large pot or whatever I can find that is domed and large in diameter and I cut a hole in the bottom the size of the air pot I’m going to use. Then I dig a hole big enough to put it in and make it a larger area beneath. Then I put good soil under the whole thing put hardware wire on top of it put the outer pot in the hole over the hardware wire. Then I stand on the edge of the pot and backfill all the way around and put the AirPod inside with no bottom in it on top of the hardware wire and fill it with Soil. This makes of barrier for crawling bugs between the ground and the pot. It also lowers where the roots go into the ground below the normal depth that a gopher would dig. if the gopher was to get to the roots, he would not get to the base of the plant so he would not kill it. Kind of a gap stop, it gives you a chance to locate what’s going on before it happens. A gopher can eat off the base of a plant and you Don’t even know he’s there. The more the gopher digs around more chance you have to get him before he does major damage. I also put hardware wire underneath my raised beds for my vegetables. Nothing worse than going out to pull off a zucchini and picking up the whole plant when you grab it because something ate the root off the night before. Have you ever been in your garden and saw some movement over by your carrots right before one disappeared underground? I have. Anyways, I think that covers it. :laughing::v:t3:


Looking really sweet… your getting some monsters… beautiful… :clap::wink::+1:


going strong as usual one day I will get the balls to try a little hydro


Here they are, in all their glory August 6, 2024.

Maui Wowie

Blueberry muffins

Mandarin cookies, haze

Monkey slaps on the left gorilla fume on the right.

The next two are the ultimate. You have to look close to see how big that plant really is the sun is only on the top half in this picture. The picture of the baby was on June 6. that’s about 5 feet of Growth in two months/8.5 weeks.


Big and healthy, looking great! Are they starting to flower?


Yep. The Maui Wowie is full on flower, finished stretching. The rest are full on stretch. :+1:t3::v:t3:


The Maui Wowie looks awesome first time i smoked some was in Lahania over 45 yrs ago smoked a fat 1 took me hr to find my hotel. :joy::joy:


Yep we got voles here and big mice here almost rat sized. I have 3 outdoor feral cats for this very reason. Nothing makes it through my yard. I have this one cat mr. Fuzz and that cat eats a lot of birds. He seems to eat a lot of blue jays! He is a fast mother f’r. sad some times when hes toying with his kill and the parents are all squawking and dive bombing him. He almost got one of the parents as they flew in to attack. But hes alread got his prize so he doesnt bother too nuch. Ive seen him almost get humming birds…he is that fast. So the outside cats are like my garden and yard guards!



Guard’n the crop,nice :+1:t2: