House gets ready for historic vote on federal marijuana prohibition

Haven’t followed this other then from here Jimmy…Don’t watch the news it’s depressing…
Working on my 3rd room today I’m tired even thinking about it lol How goes it Illinois man? I’m about 1.5 hr drive east of Chicago… Also doesn’t the senate have to vote on that as well?


I am living vicariously through your 3rd room. I am so hooked on this growing my own that I want more than my 2x2 tent.
Before the virus; I was planning on taking the wife to New Holland last Summer. Maybe this year. Her family are huge Michigan Football fans because one of their cousins played with Harbaugh in the 80s.
Your Senate question is a good one. I am sure that if the House passes, then the Senate will to.
I don’t want to go to work today! I want to grow my herb, and hang with my Gromies.
Have a Good Friday up North brother.


Enjoy work Jimmy lol I’m off still don’t go back to work till Tuesday if i don’t have symptoms.
Been exposed to Covid-19 and on day 11 :man_facepalming::v:t2:
Have a great Friday as well my brudda!


No guarantee there. Gotta remember who controls the Senate and how many conservative holdouts there are in that party. I think the House will probably pass it, but it will still in the Senate.

Honestly, as much as I despise executive orders, I was kind of hoping Trump would decriminalize it by executive order, kinda as a :fu: on his way out.


Good luck on that… Our Governor thinks hemps evil lol Although he has no vote in this but showing the mentality of some…

What I could never fathom is the why at least legalize all states for medical. Before I fired directv forget what channel I was watching there was a young couple there 6 yr old daughter had epilepsy and on average had around 50+ fits PER DAY mind you, Cute little girl, and conventional medicine didn’t work,well the state they lived in weed products weren’t legal so they moved to a state where it was and got the girl on some sort of weed product and this girl went from 50+ episodes down to 4-5 a day. Well this wasn’t a cure but that’s huge difference and having to watch your child flop around the floor and can’t do anything about it… Well this story hits home for me and never forgot that…

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I’ve watched these issues personally. I have helped my friends child with epilepsy. A friend with rheumatoid arthritis and my wife who had cancer.

Rso,cbn,cbg,cbn, cbd are all very effective tools. Big pharma should be ashamed of itself. But its to busy getting a tan on a yacht.


Agreed…people die because of greed it’s very shameful… I can tell you if I had cancer I’d be On Rick Simpson Oil…Make
My own ofcourse :v:t2::grimacing::v:t2:

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I threatened doctors when my wife was going thru chemo. Tell me she can’t partake in cannabis. I lost it. Lol.


Well I don’t condole fighting (kinda lol) but when your wife has cancer all gloves off. Ass whoopen might be appropriate :v:t2:


Yeah i agree. I am super chill.

Tell me radioactive nuclear runoff is better than a plant. Psh. They threatened police. So i gave them a real reason to call them. And the police backed me. Lol


Depends on the situation but I’m chill dude as well,like to laugh even at self at times. Don’t do well around to many serious type of people that can’t smile or laugh at times… Downers bruh!


Yeah for sure. Lifes hard enough. Esp now. Lol.

Now is the exact time to grow together. While the world rips us apart.


Anyone who says it’s not a legitimate medicine is either clueless or full of shit. It’s the best thing for my anxiety and depression and for my girlfriend’s anxiety and PTSD. :fu::fu: To anyone who says otherwise.


That makes me anxious lol

I kid i kid

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@Slym3r @mudman @MrBlue @Hydro @mouse935 @sssportsmfg @KevGrows
Think this one is older

Sorry about that… Keeping eye out, and found this one.
Vote happening today.


I really hope this passes. It will be one step closer for states to change their laws about cannabis. I want the right to legally grow thc cannabis for my own medicine. I feel I’m missing out on part of the plant that is designed to help me deal Crohn’s disease. Until then, hemp it is.


The house has passed this bill and it is moving on




Now the battle begins.